Warnings and Notices

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A 'Trash of the Count's Family' reaction fic to the hidden kingdom, Endable, and the secrets it and its residents hide.

Notice 1 (deviation from original novel):

In this reaction fic, two of the gods are aware of the events happening in the Endable Kingdom, and have recorded these events.

Warning 1: 'Out of Character' Characters. I cannot replicate the style of writing Yoo Ryeo Han has, and neither can I match up the character's personalities perfectly, as I am a different person with a different writing style.

Warning 2: 'Non-canon' personalities and relationships. I have tried my best to keep it just canon characters that exist in the books. However, there are some canon characters with many things still unknown about them, so I apologize for having to make some things up.

Warning 3: I am forgetful of some things, just like anyone else. Because of this, I apologize if I mess up some canon events or other canon things.

Warning 4: There are many major and minor spoilers in this reaction fic if you have not completed Book 1. Read at your own risk.

Warning 5: Swearing is censored until I decide otherwise. Please do not complain about it. I believe I have made it obvious enough to understand which word is which.

Warning 6: There will be many characters in this reaction fic. That means it is possible I will forget about adding some of the character's reactions. If that happens, I apologize, and I hope you can forgive me. However, it is not likely I will go back and add the reaction.

Warning 7: If I do not add a reaction of a character to a certain piece of information, it does not necessarily mean I forgot to either. I might have decided that the character was not relevant enough to have a reaction added in.

Warning 8: This has been written when the newest chapter released for 'Trash of the Count's Family' is Book 2, Chapter 173. Due to this, I would not have known about events after this chapter in what has already been written. However, if it is necessary, I will include some of these events in later chapters that have not yet been written.

Warning 9: My chapters will probably be on the short side due to laziness or no ideas.

Warning 10: Since I have tried to keep this canon, there will be no ships. If you are here for the ships, I would recommend you find another reaction fic.

Notice 2:

"..." = Speaking , Pointing out words that character is confused about, or enunciating something

'...' = Thinking

> ... = Holographic Typing/Automated Voice

{...} = System Notifications 

Bold = Chapter Quotes

Italics = Gods Speaking

[---] = Censored Information*

*Every "-" represents a letter in the censored information.

Thank you for reading the warning and notice dear reader! I hope I did not come off as rude. Now then, I hope you enjoy this reaction fic.

The Illusion of the Kingdom Destined to EndOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant