Chapter XX - Sorry not sorry

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That was a question that caught me off guard. And I am more than sure it caught everyone off guard too. The girls haven't said a thing to each other, the silence being too loud.

Liam let go of Lucy and turned his gaze to Hallie, that now sat cross legged on my right, at a three feet distance. It was like she suddenly had all the attention on her. But Lucy's face. It hurt me looking at her, being so disappointed. I don't know if it was because of Hallie that knew all about that and decided to let Liam hate her for nothing or just because we all knew about that now.

With a poker face, totally dumb, Hallie looked at Marcus. "It was not my story to tell," She sighed, almost spitting the words.

"I can understand that. But why let Liam hate on Lucy for nothing? She had no clue. At least, apologize to her for that." Marcus replied, getting closer to me as he got my shoulders, looking at her with an imposing look.

I was feeling clueless. I didn't know what to do to make the situation better. I tried to look at it from both perspectives and all I could see is years of hatred between them. For what? I don't even know. I don't even know if Hallie is to blame. That's what happens when you don't communicate, I guess.

Lucy sighed as she turned her gaze into our direction. "It's okay, Marcus, I don't blame her for that. Me and Liam weren't a thing, I think it wasn't mutual from the first place. So why bother?" Her uninterested look made it visible like she didn't care about it. At least she didn't anymore. Or so I thought.

"You see? I am not going to apologize for something I haven't done wrong," Hallie completed, her amusing face now looking deeply into Marcus' eyes.

Me and my brother shared quite some looks, and I felt like he had more things to say, but didn't know where to start. His intense gaze on Hallie's eyes made me think this isn't going nowhere better. He seemed... betrayed. By his own girlfriend. Ouch. And she hasn't even realized it.

"You know, Lucy, it was mutual." He turned his gaze at Lucy, looking right into her soul. "I just didn't know what to say to you so we can go to the next step, and then Hallie appeared. And things got cold between us," He continued, his gaze facing the sand as he didn't have the courage to look her into the eyes when his words came out.

Hallie seemed sad. Maybe she thought she ruined it all between them. But one thing was clear to the eye. Her gaze at Lucy has changed dramatically. So intense and full of emotions. She seemed jealous of her for some reason.

"Excuse me for a second," Lucy's remark got me out of my reverie as I saw her standing up and leaving closer to the sea, and I couldn't help but follow her.

She made some big steps to get as far as possible from our little group so it made me think she got mad. Or sad. Or even both. I can't blame her, I would've felt like that too.

"Hey, hey, are you ok? Wait, Lucy!" I yelled, catching her hand as she fell on the sand, letting her tears drop as she had enough. "It's okay, hey, I'm here," I continued, meeting her gaze before catching her into a strong hug.

She let her head lay on my shoulder and tried to calm herself. She was hurt and there was nothing I could've do or say to make her feel better. She needed to let her demons out.

"All these years. All these fucking years I thought he hated me. Instead of talking with him, I hated him back. I am so stupid," Her words came out in between the sniffles. She was hurting inside.

I rubbed her back to comfort her but I had no idea what else to do, more than that. I could've heard my brother having an argument with Hallie too, probably unaware of the whole thing from the past. This day just got a lot of unexpected turns.

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