Lisa: What are you talking about?

Lane: Hey, where... where are the other two? Peter and what's-her-name? Who's that?

he points at Y/N.

Lisa: Um, Ashley's sleeping. She's not feeling well, and we don't know where Peter is. And this is Y/N from Heather's tapes.

Y/N waves at them.

Lane: It's starting for them. We have to go. Come on, we have to go.

Talia: No, I don't wanna go.

Lisa: Guys, we're not gonna fall for your stupid shit again! Can you just tell us what's going on?

Lane: Do I look like I'm messing with you?

Talia: Do you have any food?

Y/N pulls out some food he had but Lane pulls her away.

Lane: No, no, get back!

Talia: Please.

Lane: Will you get back here, please?

Talia: I want it! Stop it!

Lane: We're alive! Don't you see that? You crazy?

Talia: Look at them! They're doing better than us, Aren't they?

Lane: Are they?

Lisa: What the fuck is going on?

James: I don't know.

Lane: No, no, no, no, no! If you wanna stay here, you go ahead.

Talia: Please, Lane, don't! No, please don't!

Lane: These people are gonna die. And they're gonna be here forever. Not me! Not me!

Lane runs off in complete madness, leaving Talia with the others.

Talia: Lane!

Lisa: Talia.

Lisa touches Talia's shoulder and she screams.

Lisa: We're just gonna go sit by a fire and we'll set up a tent for you, okay?

Talia: Is he coming back?

They sit her by the fire as she eats the food while Y/N sits by her. Soon after, Lisa wakes up.

Lisa: I don't think I can sleep.

James: Me neither.

The two then fall asleep as Lisa alarm goes off and she turns it off.

Lisa: What? Makes no sense.

James: What?

Lisa: Well, I set the alarm for 7:00, but it's still dark outside.

James: Okay. We should pack up.

Lisa: Okay.

Emerging from their tents, James and Y/N suddenly see dozens of larger stick figures lining the camp as well as rock piles.

James: What the hell? Oh, my god! Oh, my god. Lisa... Lisa, get out here.

Lisa: What the fuck is that? Oh, my god. Oh, my god. How did we not hear this? Holy shit.

James: Oh, fuck.

Lisa: They're everywhere. Who could have done this?

James: Oh, my god. Oh, the web cam!

James tried to review the web cam, but the camera was dead.

James: Shit, the battery's dead.

Talia runs over to them.

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