Final Chapter

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After hearing Peter's screams, James runs off into the night to look for him.

James: Peter! Peter! Peter! Peter! Peter? Peter! Peter!

James then finds Peter's flashlight.

James: Peter!

James pulls out his walkie-talkie.

James: Peter, can you hear me?

He gets no response.

James: Peter, if you're hurt or you can't speak or something just press the button on your walkie-talkie twice. Two clicks.

James gets no response once again.

James: Peter, if you can hear me, just press the button on your walkie-talkie.

Still, he gets no response.

James: Peter! Fuck.

Back at the campsite, Lisa, and Y/N wait for James to return as Ashley comes out.

James: Lisa.

Lisa: What?

Ashley: I don't feel so good. Where's Peter? Um, he went to go get some firewood, but he'll be back soon, okay?

Y/N: Come on, let's get you back to bed.

Y/N puts her back in her tent as James comes up to Lisa.

James: Lisa! Hey.

Lisa: Would everyone stop doing that?

James: Oh, fuck. I found Peter's flashlight out there. Shit. That was him screaming out there, right?

Lisa: I think so.

James: Oh, god!

Lisa: No, James, look, it'll be okay. Look, we need to stay together.

James: Yeah, you're right, you're right. Let's just keep the fire going. If he sees it, he can find his way back.

Y/N comes out of the tent and sits down by the fire while James and Lisa go inside the tent.

James: You know, I actually thought that Heather could still be out in these woods, somehow. But now... Peter's lost. And Ashley's hurt.

Lisa: It'll be okay.

They then hear a branch breaking.

Lisa: Did you hear that?

James: Yeah.

They hear another branch breaking.

Lisa: Do you think that could be Peter?

James: I don't know.

They then exit the tent as James turns on a flashlight.

James: Peter! Peter?

Y/N: James...

He points towards someone, and they see it was Talia and Lane, who appear disheveled and hysterical.

James: Lane? Talia?

Lisa: What are you guys doing here?

Talia: Is that really them?

Lane: No, no, no. It's not really them! Okay? Don't go close. It's a trick. It's a trick. When was the last time you saw us?

Lisa: Uh, earlier this afternoon.

Talia: They're not lying.

Lane: It's been five days since we saw you. Maybe six. I don't even fucking know. The sun... the sun is not coming up! The sun is not fucking coming up!

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