Chapter 7

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Y/N, Heather, and Mike all look around the woods for Josh.

Heather: Josh!

Y/N: Fuck, Mike, we never go out of earshot. Josh!

Mike: Hold on, calm down.

Heather: How could I... Josh! Josh!

Mike: He's probably at the river or something.

Heather: If he was at the river, he could hear me from here.

Mike: Josh!

Y/N: Josh!

Mike: Got to wait for him to respond.

Heather: Do you remember what he said yesterday?

Mike: What?

Heather: About the shit on his bag, about how... Josh!

Mike: Let's go. We got to find him. Come on.

Heather: We can't even find the car or Y/N's house! How the fuck are we going to find Josh?

Mike: Heather, Y/N, come on.

Heather: No. No.

Mike: Come on, come on.

Heather: I'm fine.

Mike: Come here, come on. Relax, relax. All right, we'll relax. We'll break down the tent. When he's back, we'll be ready to go, okay?

Mike: I'm losing my mind, Mike.

They then take down the tent as they wait for Josh.

Heather: Josh hasn't come back.

Y/N is sitting down and writing in his journal.

'Josh is gone. It is Mike, Heather, and I now. Alone. I question why Heather continues to film. It seems sick almost. Who will see this footage? Will Heather? Still have plenty of battery power. She has been carrying it on my back for a week now, so she might as well use it. Heather is scared. She doesn't know what is after us. She just knows she doesn't want to be in an unmarked grave beneath a pile of rocks. She doesn't' want to be a grownup Eileen Treacle. It is so dark and so quiet that the smallest squirrel makes monumental sounds. I can tell she is breaking down in spite of her best efforts. Fear, hunger and cold are taking their toll. Where is Josh? Maybe he ran off for help like Mike says, but why did he leave all his stuff in the middle of the freezing night? This may be my last entry in this diary as the time has come.'

After he finishes writing, he puts it away.

Mike: Heather! Y/N!

Heather: We're over here, Mike.

Mike: Okay.

Heather: I don't know if Josh ran off. I don't... All his shit's here. I've got the camera. l don't know how the fuck I'm going to hike with that camera, but...

Soon after, Mike arrives, and they decide to hike without Josh.

Y/N: You sure you want to take the fucking camera?

Heather: We've got to take the camera.

Mike: How do you feel about east?

Heather: Well, south didn't work.

Mike: Which wicked witch was worse, The Wicked Witch of the East or The Wicked Witch of the West?

Heather: The Wicked Witch of the West was the bad one.

Heather: Well, let's go east.

As they are about to hike, they hear noises.

Heather: What the hell's that?

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