Chapter 4

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The next morning, Josh is in rain gear.

Josh: This rain fucking blows dude.

Heather: I know and it's raining very heavily. Well...

Josh: Thank my mom for giving me rain gear for my eighteenth birthday.

Heather: God bless her. What do you think that was last night?

Josh: Personally.... I think it was someone fucking with your head.

Y/N: But nobody knows where out here.

Josh: Yeah, but did you ever see Deliverance?

Heather: Do you understand at all where I'm coming from? I just wanted to know that whoever it was...

Mike: You were freaking out. I don't even know...

Heather: I was freaking out. I wake up and all of the sudden shits going down, and all I can think is I gotta get it. I gotta get it all on; all I wanna get it on sound get it on sixteen. If we can see anything I want to see it on sixteen.

Mike: Well, it sounded to me like a bunch of people running around, and I'm not down with messing with locals or whatever. I dunno who the hell would come out here, but what bugs me out is that we're so damn deep in the woods and people are going to come out here and try and mess with us, then they gotta have something wrong with them. And I'm not gonna play with that.

Heather: But how do we know it was people?

Mike: Well even if it wasn't I'm not gonna play with that either!

It then cuts to the crew hiking back.

Heather: Fuck man, this is a really long day. Very wet, very long day. Nobody is really speaking to me at the moment now.

Mike: I don't remember a...

Y/N: What?

Mike: I don't remember a portion of this from walking in from the car.

Heather: Well, we have to go a little differently to go back because we went around in a curve a little bit.

The four continue to hike.

Y/N: I'm telling you guys, two more hours max.

Josh stops walking.

Josh: Why we're going back a different way?

Heather: Because we came a bit around. That was the most direct way to hit our two locations, now this is the most direct way back to the car.

Mike: Seriously, really?

Heather: Yeah! Seriously.

Mike: You know exactly what's going on?

Heather: Yes! Just keep going.

Josh: Yeah, well, I will wait five minutes till map check.

Heather: All right.

Five minutes later they do a map check.

Heather: All right we just did a map check and it seems were pretty much still on trial.

Josh: That's not what I said.

Heather: No, I think we're all right.

Both Josh and Mike look away in disgust as they continue to hike while Heather uses the compass.

Heather: We took a map reading. We just follow what the compass says. We're going straight ahead. We're going that way. That way.

Josh: We are in the middle of nowhere.

The Blair Witch Project (Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang