Chapter 5: The Iridescent Growth

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Elara watched in horror as the grotesque harvest of the Axiom unfolded. The marketplace overflowed with unwanted gifts - tacky trinkets and wilted flowers, hollow offerings devoid of genuine warmth. Politicians, with an eye on the next election, announced the construction of opulent orphanages that reeked of insincerity. The very fabric of society seemed to fray at the edges, replaced by a desperate performance of benevolence.

The once vibrant marketplace, a bustling hub of genuine exchange, had become a graveyard of discarded goodwill. Elara wandered through the aisles, the weight of her unintended consequences pressing down on her. A child, clutching a misshapen clay figurine, looked up at her with bewildered eyes. The figurine, a symbol of forced generosity, had broken in half, mirroring the fracturing world around them.


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