#22 living relics

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freya french is sitting in the row next to me on the bus

when we were young, maybe eight, she gave me this plastic figure of a grey cat on a cobbled patch

i loved it, we were kind of friends

now i don't know if she even recognises me

we won't say hi, we had lunch on the same table every day of year 4

i think i hold the past closer to myself than others, or at least the details stick to me like the PVA we'd peel off our palms

A/N - i am too sentimental, i have a good life now, but to have a day in primary school? as a holiday, as a little treat? and dont get me started on the premature mourning/nostalgia when im having a good time, god. everythings so precious its exhausting, im the luckiest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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