#18: Late night walks and circuit laundry

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You're dancing, you're twirling

Foggy streets of the city you love

Into which warm lights expand, bleed, dye the crisp October air

Photos on the camera with the dodgy speakers

It will never look as brilliant as the moment

But we try anyway

Because captured beauty is precious

Because it is valuable

Because you take a piece of time,

A little slice of the day

And bring it home with you, carry it like a keepsake

or leftovers

Treasure it like an heirloom

Its not as pretty as you thought it would be, this new life,

Its not as big, either

But its a new home, a new normal

You know it, you feel it

Its yours

And maybe just for this moment,

When the clubs are full

And distant sirens whisper through the wind

Your breath mingles with the fog

Becomes a part of this place too

And nobody needs to see for you to know its true,

Another photo, a check of the watch

washing'll be done soon, best head back

A/N - its been ages, guess whos back! hope you're doing as well as you can be:) probably wont hear from me now for a couple of years but here you go!

(jk I've got poems i've already written to publish here)

sn: FUCK circuit laundry, all my homies hate circuit laundry ! 

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