Chapter 4 - Naughty Scarlet;)

Start from the beginning

And because of that reason, I have to stay as far away from Hunter as possible.

He has power, and power means danger, and danger means pain that I don't want to experience again. No matter how much he will try, he won't get through my walls.

I put too much effort to keep myself away from the pain to let some guy tear them down, exposing my true self.

I don't want the old me back.

And that is the reason why instead of hearing Hunter out I kicked him in the no-no area and ran out the door hoping I did enough damage to hold him back.

What can I say?

I like to do everything with affect.

So here I am, in an ice cream shop with Nicole continuing our truth or truth game from earlier. I try to keep my thoughts away from Hunter, for now...I'm succeeding. I didn't see him after I left him groaning in pain in the bathrooms.


"Do you have any siblings?" She asks me, we were playing for about 2 hours now.

"Yea, I have an older brother, Xavier, he is 19." My voice is getting quiet. I really miss him, once we moved here, he went straight to university so I didn't see him in a long time, about a month.

Our family is close since we have just each other, Xavier Dad and Me. It's been like this for 5 years.

Thankfully Nikki didn't notice the change in my voice because she reminded me that it's my turn. "If you would be stuck on an island for two years, what three things would you take with you?" Is my question.

"Umm..." She thinks for a moment. "Food, mostly Kit Kats, life supply of iced tea, and tons of dogs to keep me company."

I think about her answer and cringe.

"What?" She asks looking at my disgusted face.

"You will be living on an island covered in dog poop." I laugh and this time she cringes.

"Okay I take that back, you just ruined my life long dream. I would bring a king size bed."

Instead if replying I take a spoon full of ice cream and throw it at the middle of her forehead.


I try to contain my laughter as the ice cream slowly dripping down her forehead and nose, her eyes following it making her look crosse-eyed. Finally I can't hold it in and laugh loudly at her angry faced.

My laughter dies down when I feel something cold and wet in my head, more specificity... Ice cream.

Of course she would throw ice cream back at me. Hey! It's butterscotch ! My favorite.

This time I'm glaring at her while she is laughing.

She calms down a bit and looks at me while I try to clean off the ice cream with the tissue paper. "Y-you just got I-ice creamed!" And she is back to rolling on the floor laughing.

Hmmm... I wonder how I can make her stop laughing. *insert evil face*

She stood up to get napkins for herself , still laughing. I slowly creep behind her and flip my ice cream cup making all of it dump on her hair.

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