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Minka's POV

" Why, Minka? Why?" Lady Margaret said softly. She was supposed to be mad at me, but, here she was talking to me with so much affection even after what I did. Even as the head of the coven, she was just so sweet.

Yet again, I was at Lady Margaret's spacious office. I loved coming to her office after the end of a school day. But today, I didn't feel so good, I had disappointed her after all.

I took out my speechbook and wrote. Sorry, Lady Margaret. Really, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I lost control. I got so mad, I turned her to stone. You can cast an unpetrify spell on her, right? I was hopeful. Lady Margaret was the strongest witch I knew. She reminded me of Dad. Dad was good at his craft, he was the best. I miss him...

" I'm sorry, Minka dear." Lady Margaret said tiredly. " But only you can undo the spell. A spell done by one of a Medusa lineage can only be undone by one of a Medusa lineage, no one else. I know a spell but only you can use it to undo what you did."

Her words crushed my hope to nothingness. A powerful witch as herself couldn't undo it, how was I, then, supposed to undo it? No way. Lady Margaret has to be joking. How can she expect someone who couldn't cast a barrier spell or any spell undo a strong spell?

" The power of a witch lies in her beliefs and intentions. And emotions." Lady Margaret sensed my uneasiness. She leaned in on her desk, reaching to place her hand on mine. She gave me a caring smile. " I believe in you, Minka. You just have believe in yourself. You're strong, Minka. Destined for greatness."

I forced a smile. How can someone who couldn't do a simple thing right be destined for greatness? Believe in myself? No one will ever believe in a total failure. I always run away from from my problems, and now I had created one for myself.

" Shall we?" Lady Margaret got on her feet with an encouraging smile.

Shall we what? My eyes widened as I stared up at Lady Margaret.

" Let's undo what you've done now." She was so encouraging. It hurt to know that I was going to disappoint her. She was going to regret ever letting me stay at the coven. She was my mentor and I was nothing like her. Nothing..

I stood hesitantly, taking a deep breath. Gosh! I wanna puke... No please, not in front of my mentor.

With a snap of Lady Margaret's fingers, we were both in the empty potions laboratory, particularly in front of Petrified Ms Tate... Ms Tate still had her mustache, whiskers and glasses on, thanks to Gloria's handiwork.

" Go on, now." Lady Margaret gently pushed me closer to the statue. " You can do this, Minka."

As I stared at the statue being Ms Tate, my stomach became super queasy. I could hear only my racing heartbeats in my head. My palms were drenched with sweat. Gosh! Why is it suddenly suffocating in here?

" Just say the words commotili fastous mol." Lady Margaret urged me. " Believe, Minka. Mind your intentions."

And before I could hold it in, I threw up my breakfast on Ms Tate. Stupid Minka. Haven't I embarrassed myself enough?

" Do it, Minka. " Lady Margaret ignored the fact I puked on Ms Tate.

It had stopped raining and the atmosphere was still chilly, but, at that moment, I felt like I were in a desert.

" Believe, Minka." Hope tainted in Lady Margaret's voice.

I took a deep breath, stared intensely at Ms Tate. Commotili fastous mol. And nothing happened. Ms Tate was still stone.

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