008. Elves, Cavalry, and the Devil's Siren

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63 favorites, rating 7.00...!

At this rate, I might hit 10 favs before the war with Louria ends...?

Thank you 腐爺 for giving an 8! And thank you to everyone who newly registered their favorites.

As for this title... if you're reading the OG, just the title might give way to what's going to happen. Apologies for the wait, it's time for the arrival of Colonel Demon King.


Day 24 Month 4 Year 1639 Central Calendar, 10:00

Approximately 30 km east of Gim, Principality of Qua-Toyne

"Hah... hah... hah..."

Ragged breaths. Both feet and lungs had long begun to protest, and if they were to stop, it seemed impossible to stand up again. Yet still, they couldn't afford to stop. Parun, a young elven boy, held his sister's hand tightly as they, along with other elves, desperately moved. Relentlessly, they aimed eastward.

...It was all to escape from the invading Lourians and to survive.

Parun and his brethren lived in a nameless small village about 20 kilometers east of Gim, nestled within the mountains. However, due to their location in the mountains and the distance from Gim, information from the outside world was scarce. It was only moments ago that they learned Gim had already fallen into war with Louria. They heard that Gim had fallen two weeks ago, and the Qua-Toynian forces deployed around it had retreated to the east. In other words... the village they lived in and its surroundings were now within the Lourians' range.

Knowing that young men from the village had been conscripted, they were aware of the war. But they never imagined it would come to this. Villagers were in great confusion. Gathering what they could, they hastily abandoned the village, currently in the midst of a flight under the pretext of being "evacuated." It was clear that encountering the Lourians would lead to dire consequences. After all, they aimed for the "extermination of demi-humans" which naturally included elves.

It was a grassy plain with short green grass. Wild cattle grazed on the grass, and birds chirped as if welcoming the arrival of spring. It was a peaceful sight... if it weren't near a battlefield. The plain was vast and obstacle-free, making it easy to walk. But on the flip side, it meant they couldn't hide if they were found. Therefore, the elves continued their march, contrary to the serene scenery, risking their lives. They numbered 200. Among them, there were about 10 young men, the rest being women, elderly, and children.

Young Parun, holding his sister Asha's hand, walked desperately eastward. Since his mother's early passing, he had been living with his father and sister. But with the Lourian invasion, his father received a call-up to the reserves and had gone to the army.

"Parun, I'm counting on you to take care of Asha. You're her big brother, after all," his father said with a smile as he departed.

Naturally, the march of evacuating elves was not fast. It was understandable since it was on foot. Youngsters in the rear of the group were on guard.

The flag of the Qua-Toynian army was nowhere to be seen. It seemed they still had to walk.

Suddenly, cries rose from the rear of the group.

"It's the Lourian cavalry!"

When the boys turned around, they saw a distant dust cloud. Near it, human figures on horseback appeared small. There were many, approaching with raised dust. The distance was about 3 kilometers. The elves screamed and started to run. However, their speed couldn't match that of the horses.

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