003.5 The New Boom in Qua-Toyne (1)

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Yes, as announced, this is a short chapter. It's a bit shorter (almost 2.000 words), so you may feel it's lacking a bit, but I'm sorry for that.


It has been a month since the Japanese Maritime Escort Force's Tawi-Tawi Anchorage, was transferred from Earth to this world.

The command headquarters of Tawi-Tawi Anchorage showed an incredibly busy schedule, far beyond the operational activities of the previous world.

Immediately after the transference, the biggest problems encountered in operating shipgirls were food and resources. However, the issue of food was resolved through diplomatic relations with a convenient nation called the Principality of Qua-Toyne, which had a self-sufficiency rate of over 100%. The issue of resources was also nearly resolved due to the existence of a neighboring country called the Kingdom of Quila, which was a resource-rich convenient nation where oil overflowed from the ground with just a little digging. Although facilities like oil refineries had not been completed yet, they had to manage with reserves for a while, but it was just a matter of temporary patience.

The subordinate shipgirls initially faced some confusion, but now it was resolved, and they actively engaged in interactions with the local people in the city of Qua-Tawi, which was under construction on the opposite side of Tawi-Tawi Anchorage across the strait.

At present, Sakai, despite his own inclination of "not wanting to work," was overwhelmingly busy with an enormous amount of work. Moreover, it was essentially unpaid work.

"Admiral, the progress of the oil refinery under construction in Quila is currently about 70% complete. It will take a little longer to become operational."

Ooyodo reported to Sakai in his office at the Anchorage. There were slight dark circles under her eyes.

"Ah, thanks."

Sakai's cheek was also sunken as he replied. Due to the continuous hard work every day, he was losing weight. The only relief was that the crops harvested from the land of Qua-Toyne were delicious and highly nutritious, and this applied to the livestock raised by eating the grass from the land.


After Ooyodo left the room, Yamato suddenly approached.

"This is a special blend of black tea... but we're running low on tea leaves."

"What did you say...?"

At that moment, Sakai stood up.

"This is bad! The black tea, my only source of enjoyment, is running out...!"

For Sakai, who neither smoked nor drank alcohol, his only current pleasure was black tea. It would be troublesome if that ran out. Even now, the mass production of Mamiya's sweet bean jelly had not been established, and the Yamato's ice cream was still on ration.

"W-we have to get tea leaves somehow!"

"But, Admiral, where can we procure tea leaves?"

Despite Sakai's growing anxiety, he fell silent at Yamato's words. Indeed, in this world... at least on this continent of Rodenius, there was no such thing as black tea. In fact, they hadn't even seen green tea.

"If it's not available for purchase, then we have to make it...! But how...?"


Seeing Sakai still in a state of panic, Yamato let out a sigh of exasperation.

"What do you think this place is? We can borrow land from Qua-Toyne and set up a farm. Besides, Admiral, didn't you procure tea tree seeds when we went on an expedition to India before?"

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