002. First Contact - Sakai and Zuikaku's Number 4 POV

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Eh? Eh? Wait, wait, it's only been one or two days since the post! How come it's already got 8 favorites!?

...So, everyone seems to be fond of this Summoning Japan.

From here on out, I'll depict the interactions between the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage, which has been transferred as faithfully as possible to the original work, and the various countries of the Rodenius Continent. Using this and the next chapter, I'll depict the first contact between Tawi-Tawi and Rodenius from two POVs: Tawi-Tawi and Rodenius. This time, I'll write about what the reconnaissance plane from the Zuikaku saw in the first half, and in the second half, I'll write about Sakai's actions in response to that. Please enjoy.


"Launch all operational aircraft!"

Immediately after Sakai's order was given, the aircraft carrier girl with twin-tailed hair, Zuikaku, launched reconnaissance planes called Saiun. A total of six of these planes soared into the sky, their engines roaring.

The former Japanese Navy's reconnaissance aircraft, Saiun, had a length of about 11 meters, a wingspan of about 13 meters, and a height of about 4 meters. It was designed and produced to be the reconnaissance backbone of the Japanese Navy's mobile forces, equipped with small yet powerful Homare engines. It had a sleek design with a straight fuselage and a large-diameter propeller. As Akagi put it, "It looks like a popsicle."

The area assignments allocated by Houshou were as follows:

- Akagi and Kaga to the north.

- Souryuu and Hiryuu to the southeast.

- Shoukaku and Zuikaku to the southwest.

- Junyou and Hiyou to the northeast.

- Shouhou and Zuihou to the south.

- Chitose and Chiyoda to the northwest.

- Other carriers on standby

Based on this, Zuikaku's recon plane Number 4 was assigned to reconnaissance slightly west-southwest rather than directly southwesterly, flying along the reconnaissance line. However, even after taking off, all that surrounded them was the vast blue sea. Moreover, there was still some lingering mist on the horizon.

"When you say 'surroundings' ...this area is vast, isn't it? Why do we have to search specifically around here?"

A rookie fairy serving as a reconnaissance officer asked the veteran fairy who served as both captain and pilot.

"I don't know either... but didn't the Admiral say something? It seems something unthinkable has happened. That's why we're checking for any abnormalities around the anchorage. Understand?"


Saying so, although it was difficult for the rookie to understand, the pilot fairy muttered to herself. Before they knew it, the mist had cleared, and they could see all the way to the horizon.


There was a sense of discomfort.

"Hey, don't you feel like the horizon is getting farther away?"

In response to the pilot's question, the reconnaissance officer replied, "Huh? Is that so?" But...

"Yeah, right? I also felt like it was getting farther away," the telegraph fairy responded in agreement.

"That's true..."

The veteran pilot believed in her own senses.

"Send a telegraph to Tawi-Tawi. 'The horizon seems to be getting farther away.'"

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