Aadhar said, "Hmm, something else?"

Karan said, "No sir, apart from this they are not involved in anything."

Aadhar was still feeling somewhere what happened there last night, it happened the way as it was already decided.

Aadhar was sitting there thinking all this when suddenly Punit came there and showed an envelope towards Aadhar and said, "Sir! this has come for you."

Aadhar took the envelope from him and opened it. As Aadhar took out the paper and read it, his eyes became wide with surprise and anger, while standing up from his seat he almost shouted, "What the hell is this?"

Punit also looked at him with surprise and asked, "What happened sir, what is there in this?"

Aadhar looked at him and said, "My transfer letter."

Aadhar angrily placed the paper on his table and took out his phone and called his senior. When phone was answered, first he took a deep breath and said, "Good morning sir".

Then a voice came from ahead, "Good morning". Meanwhile, without stopping, Aadhar immediately said, "Sir, what is all this? This sudden transfer, why? Do you know that I have been working on such an important case here for so many months and now this-?"

Aadhar had just said this much when his senior stopped him midway and said, "Now you will not work on that case."

Aadhar closed his eyes in anger and further said, "But sir, I have worked very hard on this case, I cannot leave it midway and now I am very close to him. Now whoever he is, he cannot escape. Very soon I will reach him and he will be behind the bars."

On this, Aadhar's senior said, "You feel the same every time Aadhar, but till date have you find anything? Even after going to Italy, you had said that you will catch him, but what did you find there, nothing. Just got one more defeat. That's why the department is now handing over this case to a new officer and I also think this is right. Now you just prepare to leave."

Having said this, his senior hung up the phone. Aadhar was about to say something further when the phone got disconnected. He angrily hit his foot on the chair and then rubbed his neck and said, "Transfer my foot". Saying this, Aadhar left his office angrily.

Avayan was doing his office work at home today.

It was around four in the evening when Nitya came down. She was looking around for Avayan when kaka came there. He looked at Nitya and asked, "What happened, daughter?"

Nitya shook her head and but kaka understand that she was looking for Avayan.

And he said, "Nitya Baba has been sitting in the study since lunch. Perhaps he is doing some of his work. You sit here, your kaki is bringing tea for you."

She nodded with a slight smile and then sat on the sofa. Meanwhile kaki came there and placed the tray on the table in front and she said, "How are you feeling now, are you okay Nitya?"

Nitya took kaki's hand in her both hands then looking at her, closed her eyes and gestured to her that she was absolutely fine now.

Kaka was very scared seeing Nitya's condition in the morning, that is why he had called kaki here so that Nitya felt good and a little better with kaki.

Meanwhile Avayan came there and kaka and kaki left from there.

Avayan sat near Nitya and said, "How are you feeling now?"

Nitya showed her thumb to him, 'Better'.

And then made a cup of tea and handed it towards Avayan. He was about to grab the cup, suddenly his phone started ringing.

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