Richter's Journal - Entry ???

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Belmont sighs softly, red claws tapping on the desk as he toys with the pencil in his other hand. Olrox had gotten him a journal a while back, saying that writing whatever he feels down could help him over the years. The Aztec does have a point, as always. Olrox had gone down into the market, saying he'd bring Richter back a surprise as he walked down the pyramid steps.

Richter thinks for a moment, golden eyes scanning his and Olrox's shared room, then starts to write.
I don't know how many years it's been at this point. The nights have been blurring together to the point it feels like one long stretch of twilight. I can feel the sun sometimes, mostly the vague heat of it. As long as I stay in the shadows, I'm fine. But watching it set through the trees isn't the same as feeling it on my blackened skin.

I haven't felt the sun in ages. But I have seen the world change. Technology has gradually appeared: wagons turned to cars, letters turned to cellular phones, we can observe the stars closer than ever with telescopes. I wish Maria, Annette, Mizrak, and Tera could all see this.
What would they think?

Olrox has taken this advancement harder than I have. I can see it in his eyes; the doubt, the uncertainty. The buildings looming in the distance beyond the forests unnerve him. Skyscraper, I believe they're called. He looked wary and amazed when I brought home a record player from Mexico City. Olrox is still calling Mexico City Tenochtitlan.
I don't blame him for that. It will always be that for him.

The humans here still worship us, even now. I have more than enough flowers and burning incense at the base of the throne that I'm surprised I haven't sneezed more often. The pyramids still look the same, but the inside has changed over the years.
Over the centuries, really.
I'm almost wary of figuring out how old I am now.

I still keep the Vampire Killer and Morning Star here in the pyramid, despite the fact I can't use them. It's painful, the thought of parting with them. That final, fragile fragment I have of my humanity. Perhaps it's a sense of pride, or shame.
God, pride. I lost my pride the moment Olrox sank his fangs into my throat, the moment I stopped needing human food.

The only other fragment of humanity I have are strong illusion spells Tēzcatlipōca has taught me. I can look human again with little more than a flick of my wrist. I almost cried seeing my blue eyes again for the first time in an obsidian mirror. But even then, I'm wary of doing that trick in front of Olrox.

How can I even describe our relationship?
He would be considered my boyfriend, wouldn't he? But that would be a title we've both had for centuries. It almost sounds like a term that's lacking, like he's more than a boyfriend after all this time.
Soulmate or husband almost sounds too serious. I can't think of another term.
Richter hesitantly lifts pen from paper and sighs again, not knowing what else to write about. His journal entries are little more than a jumble of senseless thoughts hardly being strung together.

He sets the pen down and runs his claws through his long brown/gray hair. He has let it grow out, cascading down his back in a mess of curls.
"You're frustrated," the God of Darkness murmurs in his ear like an old friend.
"You know me too well," he murmurs back.

Richter and Tēzcatlipōca have spoken almost nightly, mainly about Richter's problems and anxieties.
"Talk to me," the Jaguar God offers, the God looking like he hasn't aged a day.
Belmont turns to face him.
They both have somewhat of a complex relationship. Not necessarily romantic, more like a Worshiper/God level of respect for one another.
"I don't know how to view Olrox anymore. It's all confusing in my head. I still love him, of course. I suppose I just haven't realized how long eternity with him is," he admits plainly.

Tēzcatlipōca smiles.
"Well, pretend I'm Olrox. What would you tell him if he were to walk into the room right now?" The God's form shifts like he's a mirage and Olrox is suddenly in front of Richter, perfectly copied down to the last detail.

Richter blinks in alarm. He's still not used to the God doing that. But Tēzcatlipōca's smugness still shines through in a way the real Olrox would never show.
"Look," Richter sighs, finding this easier than he expected, "we've been together for a long time. I've lost track of the years at this point. How I view you has changed over the years."

Belmont pauses, putting his thoughts together.
"I don't know what the next step is. Marriage? Some sort of blood pact? But I know this bond we have has gotten stronger over the years. You said a long time ago we had some sort of bond, and we still do."
Richter sighs, venting smoke out from stress.
Tēzcatlipōca looks sympathetic.

"Do you want me to tell him this for you?"
Richter nods as the God's image shifts and he looks normal again.
"I'm gonna go for a walk, see what's new in Mexico City. I shouldn't be long," he says.
Tēzcatlipōca nods, watching Richter go to his and Olrox's shared closet to change.

If there's one thing Olrox has adapted to, it's the change in fashion. The Aztec can pull off wearing a leather jacket better than Richter can. Since Belmont still looks nineteen years old, he can blend into crowds easier with an illusion spell making him look normal.
Everyone, even now, still expects Nacoc Yaotl, what they call Richter, to look like a copy of the Jaguar God.
So the moment he looks like a regular teenager, nobody bats an eye.

They've never seen what he looked like before his agreement to be a vessel for the God.
Richter smiles when he sees the Nirvana t-shirt hanging in the closet. Olrox always says the newer rock music gives him a headache, mainly joking with Richter.
He had blasted the music from a radio to bug Olrox on purpose. He still has the broken radio to prove it.

He suspects Olrox broke it because Richter wasn't paying enough attention to the Aztec. Olrox promised to buy him a new one. Richter can never stay on Olrox's bad side for long. Usually a kiss and promise of making out is enough for the Aztec to forgive him.
Richter gets dressed in a plaid long sleeve shirt and pants. He flicks his wrist and looks normal, short brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin.
By the time Richter gets back, he hears Olrox cursing under his breath and messing with something on the table. It's still somewhat strange seeing Olrox in modern clothing. He still wears a lot of purple, usually on his shirt or shorts now, but Richter still does a double take seeing the Aztec wearing a t-shirt.

Richter shifts back to his regular appearance and walks over, then sets the bag of items down on the table.
"What are you doing?"
Olrox looks up in surprise and laughs softly. He motions to the pieces of broken radio laid out on the table.
"Trying to fix this for you. I went out to get the tools I needed. Turns out I'm not very good at working with machines."

"Well, you did throw it against a wall, probably aiming for my head," Richter jokes.
Olrox huffs a laugh.
"If I was aiming for your head, I would have struck your head," Olrox points out. Richter raises his hands up in mock surrender, looking sympathetic.
"Lo siento, padre," he grins.
(I'm sorry, father.)
Olrox smiles back and moves his chair over.

"Here, see if you can help me with this," he motions to the various tangled cables. Richter nods and starts untangling them.
"Ah, I think I found your...problem..." Belmont trails off, pulling out a golden ring with the Belmont family crest engraved in the front.
He stares at Olrox with wide eyes.
"You didn't..."
"Oh, I did," the Aztec grins.
"You cheeky bastard," Richter laughs, close to tears.

Belmont almost chokes when Olrox gets down on one knee and takes his free hand.
"What do you say, Little Boy Belmont?" Olrox teases, already knowing the answer.
Richter nods, tears rolling down.
"I should have bought you a ring too," he openly cries happy tears.
Olrox stands and pulls Richter into a hug.

"We can buy one for me tomorrow, deal?" the Aztec murmurs, releasing Richter and putting the ring on his finger. Perfect fit.
Richter throws his hands up when he sees Tēzcatlipōca grinning in the corner of the room.
"You knew this whole time?" Belmont demands.
The Jaguar God playfully shrugs with a 'what-do-you-think?' look on his face.

Richter's annoyance is melted away when Olrox kisses him. He kisses back, his anxiety about talking to Olrox long gone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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