Chapter 2

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       A raven haired boy and his parents once again stood in front of the blonde woman who's chest looked way to big for comfort (at least that's what he thought). He looked around them and saw many kids and their family's saying their goodbyes some with tears some with warm smiles and some with plain looks of sadness "say bye to your parents sasuke and bring your suitcases with you" the boy nodded and turned to his parents he hugged his mom "take care mother and save some tomatoes for the weekend" the woman smiled and bent a little to talk to her son at eye level "you aren't the little boy that I used to know, you're growing and that scares me so I hope you see this as a sing that I'm ok with you leaving the nest" she smiled and rubbed their noses together making the boy flustered "mooooommmm you're embarrassing meeee" he said in a whine making the woman giggle.

       Sasuke then walked over to his father who hugged him in a short tight hug "I know I don't word it allot but I just want you to know that both me and your mother are proud of who we are raising we're proud of you I am proud of you my son, so you better do your best and outshine those rich kid's" the boy smiled and his father went back to his stern look. Sasuke grabbed both his suitcases on each of his hands and walked with Tsunade "BE A GOOD KID AND LISTEN TO THE ADULTS!" he heard his mother yell out making him smile "I will" he whispered. Both him and Tsunade walked to the boy's dorms that was a building outside of the school "you will have a roommate so don't be surprised if a someone walks in" he nodded.

     "I'll explain the dorm situation so listen carefully" "hai Tsunade-sama" "the lights get turned off at 8:30 pm and dorm monitors Will check up on you guys so you better not be awake, breakfast starts at 7:10 am and classes start at 8:00 am" a nod "you are not allowed into the omega's dorms nor the beta's is that understood "hai" "good now go and claim your bed, change into uniform and then follow me to the field for orientation" the raven hurriedly ran into his dorm room 34 and dropped his things on the bed on the right. He walked after Tsunade into a field with hundreds of kids all ranging in ages, she pointed at the front "all the 1st years at the front" he nodded and walked up to the front next to a girl with light blonde long hair.

       She turned towards sasuke and smiled at him in a friendly way "hello" she waved "I'm Yamanaka Ino, what's your name?" "Uchiha Sasuke, it's also nice to meet you Ino-san" she nodded "what's your secondary gender sasuke-san? I'm an alpha" he looked at her surprised since female alphas we're as rare as male omega's "I'm also an alpha" that both smiled at each other and turned to look at the front where the headmaster stood behind a podium up high so that every student could see her "welcome back to another year my dear children of course unless you're a 1st year or a new kid then welcome to the beginning of your junior high and senior high" she smiled "Today will be orientation for the 1st years and for the rest of you" she pointed at the kids behind the 1st years "today will be a fun day filled with games and getting to know each other, now go on and let's start a brand new happy year filled with memories!".

       All the students started clapping and everyone except the 1st years walked away leaving the kids there "hello my youthful children!" a man with a bowl cut and a ugly green suit yelled out with a wide green showing his sparkly white teeth "calm down guy it's barely 8:26 in the morning" the man named guy chuckled out loud at patted the back of a masked man "we need to show these youthful children on how to have spirit ka-ka-shi" the silver haired man rolled his eyes and turned to look at the 100 kids "ok children". "Here's the deal I'm Hatake kakashi you can call me kakashi-sensei and this here is my buddy guy" he pointed at the loud man "form two lines one girls and the second boys now hurry" the kids immediately started forming the wanted lines and under 3 minutes they were all formed. "Good now let's get started follow me"

       The men and the kids started walking as kakashi would point at rooms and say what they were. 3 hours had passed since the campus was pretty big and guy had decided it was also a good idea to tell the kids the history of every single building on the school campus. "And that concludes the tour around the campus now we're going to play a little game to get to know each other" Kakashi started "you will be handed strips of paper where you will write your name on then you'll fold them and throw them into this bowl" guy took out a big bowl as he finished his sentence "and you'll randomly choose a paper with a name on and you'll talk to them for 5 minutes asking basic questions" the kids nodded and each received a pen and a strip of white paper where they all wrote their name's.

      "Who's first" a girl with brown hair in space buns walked up and reached her hand down the bowl to later pull out a piece of folded paper that she unfolded "before you read the name please say yours my youthful friend!" "Shut up guy" the girl had a sweat drop on her side of the head, she nodded "I'm Tenten and the person I got is....Neji Hyuga" a boy with long brown hair stood up and walked towards her he bowed his head "nice to meet you" "likewise". Kid by kid would get their partners now it was Sasuke's turn he walked up to guy and his hairstylist the bowl. He got a strip of paper and looked at the other kids with some girls drooling over him exclaiming how hot he was "I'm Sasuke Uchiha and the person I got is...

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