Chapter 1

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       A raven haired boy sat infront of the bald school principal who with a warm smile started talking to his top student and his parents "Uchiha-san" he addressed a man with a stern frown "with all due respect koro-san may I know why you called us here? For all I know my son isn't a trouble maker and has the best grades so what is it that you want?" the chubby man infront of them shook his head and hands"that's not it at all Uchiha-san" he set his hands over an envelope decorated in gold with silver lettering: To Sasuke Uchiha.

       Sasuke looked at his principal with a questioning look, the man nodded "please read sasuke-kun" the young boy nodded and opened the envelope and started reading.

       "Dear Uchiha sasuke, This letter is sent to you from the elite school of Konoha High School, as you may know our school only allows the best of the best making this a great opportunity for you and your future. We invite you to our school with a fully payed scholarship that will pay for all of your expenses including uniform,meals,dorm accomodation and more that will be explained to you at the headmasters office.With respect, Konoha Highschool academy, we hope to see in your start of junior high and end of senior high" 

       The 11 year old finished reading as he stared at the fancy golden words. Did the best academy in Japan invite him with a fully payed scholarship? There was no way, was there? He looked at his parents who's faces where those of happiness Mikoto had tears in her eyes. He turned back at the bald man "so Sasuke-kun will you accept this opportunity? Take your time it's a big dec-" "I'll do it" he cut the man off, this was the best opportunity he could ever get. "Are you sure Sweetie like your principal said it's a big decision" the sweet woman said still in shock "I'll do it mother nothing would make me happier than getting to go to the school of my dreams" he said with a big smile.

      "You heard the boy Mikoto" the boy felt his father's arms around him and his mother "all that hard work that was put into his education payed off" Sasuke looked at his father's face and widened his face as he saw that the older man was smiling a big and wide happy smile "we're proud of you son" the man whispered into the boys ears who had happy tears in his eyes. 

       His father had never said that.

      "Thank you father" the hug was cut short when the chubby man cleared his throat gaining the family's attention "I'm sorry to cut this beautiful moment but I have to inform you of the details that the letter didn't give you, is that ok?" all the ravens nodded with their natural serious faces.


       Sasuke and his parents stood infront of Konoha's headmaster, a blonde lady who's hair was in two low long pigtails and another feature that was quite the size. She looked at the boys papers "sasuke Uchiha, alpha,you just turned 12, the smartest of your elementary and most athletic" she read on. Minutes later she put the papers down and looked at the family "I will hand you 5 uniforms one for each day your schedule will be handed to you tomorrow in your advisory class" "may I know Which one? "Class 1-C"  the boy nodded. 

       The woman looked at him sternly "I'll warn you right now" he looked at her with the same look in his face "if I get a single complaint, if you even as such get into a fight, or get detention I will expel you from my school I don't want this schools reputation to go down or for you to think that you're special because you got that scholarship understood?" "Understood Tsunade-sama I will follow all your requests and I'll prove myself as deservent of that scholarship" the blonde woman smiled "great then I shall see you tomorrow I'll personally take you to your dorm, 7:30 am don't be late kid" the boy nodded and the woman looked over at the parents "any questions?" "Yes umm when would he go home and are electronics allowed here?" the sweet woman asked a hint of worry in her voice.

      "For the first question; he will be able to go home on the weekends and holidays and you would be able to come during parent meetings and other activities as such, the second answer is no, any type of personal electronic is not allowed since it distracts the children from their work as studies have also showed that kids work better because their minds are more focused on the work infront of them" Mikoto looked down with a smile disappointed on the second answer. "We should get going Tsunade-sama" the oldest raven said as he stood holding out his hand for his wife "we shall see you tomorrow" they all bowed down in front of the lady "thank you for the biggest chance I'll ever get Tsunade-sama" the woman moved her hand Infront of her "it's no biggie besides you're a smart kid" the boy nodded and followed his parents out of the office.


       The whole family sat at the dinner table enjoying their mother's cooking "so otōto are you excited for Tomorrow?" a older raven asked his younger brother "I am nii-san" "that's good to know" the older one smiled at ruffled his younger brothers hair "who knows maybe you'll even get a cute omega" he raised his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive matter making the younger boy blush in embarrassment and the parents smile and laugh at their son's "SHUT UP NII-SAN" the young boy yelled at his laughing brother as he shoved a chunk of rice into his mouth chewing angrily. He set down the empty bowl of food and stood up "if you excuse me I will go to bed since tomorrow is a big day for me" everybody nodded at him as he walked out of the kitchen and into his room putting on his pajamas and jumping on his bed.

      "Tomorrow is a big day" he smiled as his black onyx eyes closed shut and his mind was sent to the world of dreams.


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