Lucy's Broadcast

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Lucy: "Hey, everybody. You don't know me, but I'm on TV, so you can trust me. I know things seem kind of bad right now, but there is a way out of this. This is Emily."

A footage of Emily is shown on the screen.

Lucy: "And she was just like all of you. A face in the crowd, following the same instructions as you. She was so good at fitting in, no one ever saw her. And I owe you an apology, because I used to look down on people like that."

Wyldstyle's broadcast is being watched by all Lego citizens across the realms in the universe, including Middle Zealand where a knight is reading out form a scroll.

Knight: "'I used to think they were followers with no ideas or brains.'"

Lucy: "Because it turns out Emily had great ideas. And if they seemed weird, and kind of pointless, they actually came closer than anyone else to saving the universe. And now we have to finish what she started by making whatever weird thing pops into our heads. All of you have the ability inside of you to be a ground breaker. And I mean literally, break the ground! Peel off the pieces, tear apart your walls! Build things only you could build, defend yourselves! We need to fight back against President Business's plans to freeze us!"

The Lego citizens start putting Lego pieces together and building things.

Lucy: "Today will not be known as Taco Tuesday, it will be known as Freedom Friday!"

The citizens start cheering before the scene cuts back to the studio.

Lucy: "But still on a Tuesday!"

They are interrupted as the robots appear in the studio.

Robot: "End of the line."

Just as the robots are about to attack they are quickly killed off by Bad Cop.

Lucy: "Bad Cop?"

Bad Cop: "I hope there's still a Good Cop in me somewhere."

He turns his face to the Good Cop face, which is now blank and draws eyes and a mouth with a black marker.

Good Cop: "I'll hold these guys up. You go stop 'em. Yay!"

Metal Beard: "Great idea. But how will we get there?"

Benny starts having an idea.

Benny: "I could uh....I could build a...I could build a....I could build a spaceship! *looks around to see if anyone disagrees* You''re're not gonna say no?"

Good Cop: "Build the way, whatever your name is."

Benny jumps around in excitement as he quickly assembles a spaceship.

Benny: "Spaceship!"

The team then fly the spaceship through the different realms.

Benny: "Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship!"

They are then spotted by the robots.

Robot: "All units, attack that spaceship."

The robots chase after the spaceship in their aircrafts and start shooting at it.

Benny: "Spaceship!"

Benny quickly steers the spaceship away from sight.

Robot: "Where did he go?"

The spaceship flies up through the robots aircrafts destroying them.

Benny: "Spaceship!"

They now fly over Bricksburg.

Unikitty: "Wyldstyle, look. It's the citizens!"

The citizens have build aircrafts which they are using to attack Lord Business's robots.

Abraham Lincoln: "And don't forget us Master Builders!"

From inside his aircraft Lord Business watches all the citizens fighting back on the TV monitors.

Lord Business: "What is going on? You stop building that stuff! Just stop it"

They continued to fly over Bricksburg.

Lucy: "This might actually work."

Metal Beard: "It was your speech which roused this hearty crew."

Lucy: "If only Emily were here to see this. She'd say something sweet, like..."

The scene then cuts to Emily as she continues to fall through the abyss.

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