The Real World

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Emily Brickowski: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I just gonna keep falling forever??!!!?????!!!!!!!!"

Emily lands somewhere and the scene cuts to blackness. She becomes conscious she finds she can't move but is able to think.

Emily Brickowski: 'Is this another vision? Where am I? *sees the sign for Octan Tower* Is that the office tower?'

The scene shows that Emily has fallen on the ground in a basement where all the different Lego realms including Bricksburg have been assembled on a large table.

Emily Brickowski: 'Bricksburg! *suddenly feels the ground shaking as if someone has taken a giant footstep* What was that?'

She sees a human girl, Fiona, running around the basement heading towards Emily.

Emily Brickowski: 'No, no, no, no!'

Fiona accidentally steps on Emily as she carries on running. Emily sees Fiona is playing with the Lego set and actually carrying the spaceship Benny had built as if it's flying.

Fiona: "Spaceship! Spaceship!"

Emily Brickowski: 'What in the world is that?*continues to watch Fiona playing with the Lego spaceship* It's...adorable.'

Fiona then notices Emily lying on the floor.

Emily Brickowski: 'Uh-oh!'

Fiona comes over to pick Emily up.

Emily Brickowski: 'No! No! No, no, no, no! Hey, don't eat me! Don't eat me! Do not eat me! Please!'

Fiona gently picks Emmet up and looks at her.

Fiona: "Hi, Emily."

Emily Brickowski: 'Uh...hi? She's... so sweet, but... is she, The Man...?'

Fiona and Emily suddenly hear footsteps, the basement door opens. The shadow of a man appears at the top of the stairs and he starts walking down the stairs.

Emily Brickowski: 'The Man Upstairs.'

When the man finally reaches the last step to reveal Fiona's father wearing a business suit and looking confused.

The Man Upstairs: "What happened? *sees all the different Lego pieces all over the place* No, no, no. This is a disaster. Why...why is...? What? What?! What?! The-the...why is the dragon on top of the luxury condo development?"

Fiona: "I was just playing and..."

The Man Upstairs: "Look, I know it's hard to understand. But this is Dad's stuff, okay? All of this that you see before you is all your father's. And everything is thought out, there's..."

He looks around and sees the top of Octan Tower missing.

The Man Upstairs: "What did you down here? Did you take the top off of the tower?"

Fiona: "It was an accident."

The Man Upstairs: "You accidentally, expertly, carefully took the entire top off of that tower?"

Fiona: "Yes."

The Man Upstairs: "You know the rules, this isn't a toy!"

Fiona: " kind of is."

The Lego Movie (Genderbend Insert)Where stories live. Discover now