Emily's Morning

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The scene cuts to 8 and a half years later, a woman named Emily Brickowski woke up in her apartment and turned off her alarm, she gets out of bed, yawns and stretches. She walks through to her living room greeting everything in sight.

Emily Brickowski: "Good morning, apartment! Good morning, doorway! Good morning, wall. Good morning, ceiling. Good morning, floor! Ready to start the day!"

She grabs a book from a shelf.

Emily Brickowski: "Ah, here it is! *reading from the manual* The instructions to fit in, have everybody like you, and always be happy! Step one; breathe. *inhales and exhales deeply* Okay, got that one down. Step two; greet the day, smile and say...

We see all the Bricksburg citizens, Emily included, opening their window and yelling,

Citizens of Bricksburg: "Good morning, city!"

The citizens all say "Good morning, city!"

Citizen: "Good morning, city!"

Citizen: "Top of the Morning to you, City!"

Back to Emily continuing with the instructions from the manual.

Emily Brickowski: "Step three; exercise. Jumping Jacks, hit 'em! *starts jumping on the spot* One! Two! *begins looking exhausted* Three! *switches back to energetic* I am so pumped up!"

She's looking at the manual again before saying out loud,

Emily Brickowski: "Step four; shower."

Emily gets in the shower and starts washing herself.

Emily Brickowski: "And always be sure to keep the soap out of your AAAAHHH--!"

She screams as the soap gets into her eyes. next we see Emily standing in front of the bathroom mirror shaving.

Emily Brickowski: "Shave your face, brush your teeth. Comb your hair."

She laughs to himself as she brushes her hair. She goes to her closet before we see her quickly trying on different outfits.

Emily Brickowski: "No. No. Uh-uh. No. Not that. Wrong."

She finally wears her construction uniform with a ponytail.

Emily Brickowski: "And that's it, check. Step nine; eat a complete breakfast with all the special people in your life."

Emily is then sitting in her living room eating her breakfast alone, she turns to her plant.

Emily Brickowski: "Hey, planty! What do you want to do this morning? Watch TV? Me too! *looks at the plant closely* Oops, I nearly forgot to get you water, let me go get it for you!"

She turns on the TV showing President Business giving a presentation before she starts to fill the small watering can in the kitchen.

President Business: "Hi, I'm President Business, president of the Octan Corporation and the World. Let's all take extra care to follow the instructions... *whispers into microphone* ...or you WILL be put to sleep. *shouting* And DON'T forget Taco Tuesday's coming next week! That's the day every rule following citizen gets a free taco and my love! Have a great day, everybody!"

Emily Brickowski: "Ok planty, I'm back with the water! *turns to the tv* Huh, did I miss something here?"

The TV then shows a promo of a sitcom

TV Presenter: "Tonight on 'Where are my Pants?'"

Actor on TV Show: "Honey? Where are my... paaaaaaaaants?"

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