Touch the Piece

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Emily Brickowski: "Giant sausages! No way!"

Nobody pays Emily any attention as she tries to join them.

Emily Brickowski: "You know what I love to do? Is share a meal with the special people in my life. Fred, Barry, Gail, me and you- oof!"

She suddenly slams into a construction post, falls and a gust of wind blow her instruction manual out of her hand.

Emily Brickowski: "Ah, crud, no! Wait! Guys, wait up! Okay, I'll meet you there!"

Emily chases after her instruction manual as the wind continues to carry it off.

Emily Brickowski: "Oh, where did it go?"

She then finds the manual lying on some Lego rubble.

Emily Brickowski: "Oh, there you are."

Just as she retrieves the manual and turns to leave she hears something and stops.

Emily Brickowski: "think I heard a whoosh."

Emily turns before she goes to find the sources of the noise. A hooded figure is holding a device that is searching for a relic, just as the relic is detected Emily notices the hooded figure.

Emily Brickowski: "Hey, sir, or ma'am, I hate to tell you this, but uh...I don't think you're supposed to be here. Yeah, as the rule specifically states; works light closes at six, it's a hard hat area only."

She's looking at the hooded figure's outfit.

Emily Brickowski: "That's not official safety orange."

She reads from the manual,

Emily Brickowski: "If you see anything weird, report it immediately. *grabs her phone* Well, I guess I'm gonna have to report y-"

In that moment the hooded figure removes its hood to reveal a beautiful woman, Emily suddenly gets frozen on the spot by her beauty.

Emily Brickowski: "Woah..."

The girl gets fed up and makes a run for it.

Emily Brickowski: "*snaps out of it* Where are you going? Miss, I didn't mean to scare you! I'm so...aaahhh!"

Right as she starts going after her, Emily trips and falls down a big hole in the ground. She falls underground she gets continually knocked about.

Emily Brickowski: "Hello!"

She then lands on her back in an area where half the walls are painted in rainbow colors.

Emily Brickowski: "Hey, that's not so bad."

Emily starts to fall again and gets knocked about further until she finally falls to the ground and rubs her behind in pain. She then notices a giant block encased in crystal which is shining brightly.

Emily Brickowski: "What is that?"

She suddenly hears a voice coming from the block."

Voice: "Come here."

Emily Brickowski: "What do I do? I don't have my instructions."

The voice from the giant block gets louder.

Voice: "Touch the piece."

Emily Brickowski: "I feel like maybe I should touch that."

Emily gets up and starts walking over to the giant block, she becomes completely transfixed and steps over her instruction manual. She slowly extends her hand and touches the block and immediately gets a vision which includes Vitruvius reciting the Piece of Resistance prophecy.

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