Chapter XXXII: A Little Favor

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Chapter XXXII: A Little Favor

"And that's what happened!" Apple Bloom explains as we look at a multicolored apple tree. Swirls of blue, red, yellow, green, and other colors are strewn across the tree's branches and leaves at random. The surrounding grass is also painted as if someone started flinging paint cans around. In a way, it almost looks like an exotic art piece. I'd be impressed if it wasn't a real tree and instead a structure someone made.

"Uh huh. So, a giant ball of paint appeared above the tree and fell on it?" I ask her in a doubtful tone, acting like the story is obviously a lie. However, I know exactly how the paint ended up here.

"Yep. It looks pretty though. My big sis says it won't hurt the tree, but she doesn't believe me about the ball of paint. She says I must have been tired and it was probably vandalism." Apple Bloom looks a little ticked that her sister wouldn't believe her. I have to force myself to not chuckle at the idea, considering the fact that Apple Bloom wasn't hallucinating. There was literally a giant ball of paint, but how is she supposed to prove that without a picture? I'm not going to openly admit that it was my magic that caused this.

"You probably were tired," I tell her with a slight shrug of my shoulders. "That doesn't explain why I'm here though." Turning my body towards her, I cross my arms with a raised eyebrow. She always has some reason for calling me, even if it is something childish or a minor problem.

"Is there really a problem with me wanting to show ya something?" she asks me in an accusing tone, but her expression turns to boredom when she sees I'm not taking that excuse. "Fine. I was wondering if I could get your help with something. I know you're a busy woman right now, but I could use your advice."

"And will my 'advice' require running around town at the speed of light?" I ask her with a smirk, knowing she will want more than some encouraging words.

"Adagio, I'm seventeen. I don't need to drag you around everywhere anymore. I'm confident that I can handle everything by myself. Some advice would still be appreciated though." Huh. I'm actually surprised. It's hard to believe she won't slingshot me around the city just to solve one of her problems. "It's about Diamond Tiara. She and I haven't really talked in a while because... Well, let's just say we had an argument where we were both pigheaded and all." Apple Bloom stops for a moment, but I know there's something more to the story here. "I'd like to make it up to her. So... I was wondering if I could bring her to your wedding and all."

Ah. There it is. The weirdly specific request that she always brings up eventually.

"So, you're wanting to use my wedding as a peace offering with your friend," I say with a raised eyebrow, unsure if I should be offended or appreciate her urge to make things right with Tiara. It's my damn wedding. The whole purpose of the day is supposed to be around Sunset and my own happiness. But... I guess she isn't taking the spotlight. She just wants to bring her friend.

"If it's alright of course," Apple Bloom responds with a nervous tone, clearly picking up on my apprehension about the request.

"It's fine. You can bring her. I'm glad you asked first." I can't imagine how weird I would feel if everyone brought people I didn't know to my wedding. Sunset and I made a very specific list of guests so we could be the most comfortable. It is a lot better that Apple Bloom decided to ask me before springing it on me on the day of the most important event of my life.

Funny. Marriage isn't really something I considered important before. Even other sirens didn't see it as a thing you should put a lot of emphasis on, but I especially hated the concept. The mere idea of tying myself down to another creature was insulting to my own legacy. Now, here I am, preparing for a marriage that I can't possibly describe how excited it makes me. I guess it all depended on finding the right creature. A unicorn in this case.

A Dazzling TrioOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora