Chapter III: Operation Snake Tooth

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! I was meaning to get this chapter out sooner than this since the semester is done with now~ So, in my definition, this chapter is late. The reason why is because of a couple different reasons. First off, I burned my hand pretty badly and it's been hard to actually do anything recently. To add a little more salt to the wound, I ended up falling down the stairs right before I got sick with c*vid. So, it's been quite a week for me, but hey! I was able to write in the last couple of days and I'm starting to feel better now~ In better news, A Dazzling World has received 96 kudos on AO3, which has made me pretty happy~ I hope everyone is staying warm and safe out there!

Chapter III: Operation Snake Tooth

"Why do we have to call this Operation Snake Tooth?" Honestly, I'm not even sure how I am in this situation. While it's true that Apple Bloom and I are friends, I'm always dragged into weird adventures by her. Why does she always come up with the weirdest ideas and why am I always the person she goes to for help? Well, besides Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, I'm the one she always asks. Why do we even have to call our adventures operation codenames in general? Probably because Apple Bloom likes them, despite the fact that she's sixteen. She really hasn't changed a bit since the moment I met her a few years ago.

"Because Diamond Tiara always snaps at me when I try to help her out," Apple Bloom tells me while rolling her eyes, dragging her wagon along behind her. Her wagon's wheels squeak slightly and the painted Cutie Mark Crusaders symbol shines in the light. There are a couple other symbols on it as well that her big sister helped to paint on the red exterior. "I swear, she acts like a brat half the time. But I kind of expected that. It's still fun to hang out with her though." With a deep breath, Apple Bloom looks at me with a smile, seemingly hopeful about something. "Her room has been so dark and depressing ever since I started going over there. So, I was thinking that she could benefit from a little light, you know?"

Nodding my head slightly, I can't help but wonder what kind of conversations the two girls have. It's ironic that Apple Bloom calls Diamond Tiara a snake because she snaps at her. That's exactly what happened between Sunset and I after I got out of the hospital. I wasn't feeling well and I didn't want her to take care of me, so Sunset started calling me Alligator. "So, what's your plan exactly? Like how are you going to 'light up' her room?" I ask Apple Bloom with a curious tone. I still have no idea why I'm here in general.

"Well, I was thinking of getting her some flowers for her windowsill and maybe buying a book. I know there's one book she's been wanting to read for a couple months now, but she hasn't had the chance to buy it or such." Apple Bloom has a hopeful smile on her face as she says this, making me feel a little... proud of her. Is it weird of me to feel proud of my friend? That she's doing such a kind deed for someone else? I mean, it is a little weird coming from me. A former siren...

"What's this book she wants to read?" My question hangs in the air for a moment, both of us just listening to the wind and the sound of the occasional car passing by. Apple Bloom shrugs slightly to herself, spinning some of her hair around her finger.

"It's a book about a detective back in the 1800s. I forget the name of it exactly, but I know I will recognize what it is when I see it. Apparently, it's a pretty large series," Apple Bloom states with a small wave of her hand and wide eyes, telling me she's just as confused about it as I am. Before I have the chance to respond, Apple Bloom quickly motions for us to cross the street. It doesn't take me long to realize just what caught her attention. A flower stand with dozens of bouquets stands right next to a sandwich deli. Apple Bloom and I quickly walk across the road, a look of anticipation on her face. "Mind if ya pay for this one? I'm kinda trying to save the money I brought for that book."

Despite the fact that I don't normally cover the bill for others, Apple Bloom has done a lot for me over the years. Even recently, she's helped me study for this GED test. If anything I owe her a lot more than I like to admit. "Sure, I can buy the flowers," I reassure Apple Bloom, walking up to the flower stand. After she points to one of the bouquets that she wants, I reach into my bag and put down the money for the flowers. The bouquet she chose included pink, purple and white flowers, matching the colors of Diamond Tiara. A part of me really wonders if Apple Bloom is right about this. Would I feel better if someone gave me flowers to light up my room? I guess it really depends on the person...

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