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On that particular morning, as the sun stretched its golden fingers across the cityscape, the streets buzzed with a sense of purpose.

It was a school day, a day like any other for the students of Tokyo. Among them was Yuuki Hiroto, a high school student with dreams as vast as the sky above.

With a heavy backpack slung over his shoulder and his textbooks tucked under his arm, Yuuki made his way through the bustling streets toward school. The rhythm of his footsteps merged with the symphony of the waking city, the distant laughter of classmates mingling with the sounds of vendors setting up their stalls and commuters rushing to catch their trains.

As Yuuki walked, the sun's gentle rays painted the city in hues of gold and amber, casting long shadows that danced along the pavement. The scent of fresh pastries wafted from a nearby bakery, tempting him with promises of warmth and sweetness in the crisp morning air.

Around him, the city stirred to life. Shopkeepers raised their shutters, revealing displays of colorful goods that beckoned passersby with their allure. A street musician strummed a melody on his guitar, the soft notes drifting through the air like whispers of a forgotten dream.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, shielding his face from the swirling petals of cherry blossoms stirred by the brisk wind. As Yuuki passed by a row of cherry blossom trees, their delicate blooms danced gracefully in the breeze.

With a gentle sigh, Yuuki snapped himself from the sight of the cherry blossoms and resumed walking to the school. The distant bell of the school echoed in his ears, a reminder its the start of classes.

"Oh no, I'll be late" Yuuki muttered to himself, with his heart racing as he quickly ran towards the school gate entrance. He dashed towards the school entrance, with his sneakers pounding against the ground and his school bag bouncing against his back.

"Watch out!"


Yuuki's head snapped around at the shout, his eyes widening in alarm as he barely registered the warning before it was too late.

With a deafening crash, a large potted plant tumbled from a nearby window, hurtling towards him with alarming speed.


The heavy pot struck him squarely on the head, the impact sending him sprawling to the ground in a daze.

For a moment, the world seemed to blur into a chaotic haze of pain and confusion. Yuuki's vision swam as he struggled to comprehend what had just happened. A dull throbbing sensation pulsed through his skull, accompanied by a growing sense of disorientation.

"What a good"

As the seconds ticked by, Yuuki's consciousness began to fade, slipping away like sand through his fingers. The last thing he heard before succumbing to the darkness was the distant clamor of voices calling out in alarm, their words muffled and indistinct.

And then, all was silent.






In the quiet expanse of time that followed, Yuuki existed in a state of suspended animation, devoid of sensation or awareness. There was no ticking clock to mark the passage of hours, no sunlight to filter through the darkness. Time became an abstract concept, immeasurable and incomprehensible. It was a room of nothingness.

Just like emerging from a deep slumber, Yuuki's consciousness began to gradually stir, like the slow unfurling of a flower after a long winter's sleep.

His surroundings gradually came into focus, blurry shapes and indistinct forms came into recognizable objects. The sound of distant voices echoed in his ears, faint and distant at first, but growing clearer with each passing moment.

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