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Valerie continued her day, worried about Sophie. She hoped nothing like that would ever happen again. By lunchtime, everyone had heard about what happened, people she didn't even know came up to her and asked questions. Most questions she wasn't sure how to respond and she wanted to respect Sophie's privacy so, she ignored them and just explained that Sophie was fine and resting at home.

After lunch, she had multispeciesial studies, her favorite class. They learned about the similarities and differences between gnomes and dwarfs. Her last class was study hall, where she promptly met up with Dex, Marella, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz. She and Dex decided to work on homework for elementalism.

"Do you think Sophie is mad at me?" Dex asked.

"What? Of course not, it wasn't your fault." Valerie insisted.

"I was the one who gave her the Nogginease."

"You had no idea she was allergic. Now, work on your homework and stop worrying so much. You're going to get gray hairs."

"Yeah, ok," Dex said, still a little unconvinced.

When Valerie got home she saw Grady and Edaline standing in the kitchen. They looked like they were having an important conversation, but they seemed happy. Val made light conversation with them before going to her room to check on Sophie. Sophie was lying in bed asleep with Iggy resting on her pillow.

Val decided to go outside and help the gnomes in order not to disturb Sophie. Walking outside, she saw Grady and Edaline, only to find an eagle-sized, golden pterodactyl trying to escape the leash Grady grasped. Edaline and the gnomes were trying to calm the nearby animals, while Grady was being dragged, like he weighed nothing, by the strange creature.

She rushed over to try and help the others, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Not right now. You shouldn't be down here, go back upstairs."

Grady wrapped the leash around his arms for extra stability and then yanked the rope, attempting to rein the creature in. The beast fought back, using its speed and momentum to pull Grady up.

Valerie hesitated. She was heading back to the house, as Grady had told her to do, but then she was struck by an idea. She could mesmerize the animal. Sure, she had never used her ability on a flying animal before, but there is a first time for everything.

Val was not sure how, but she knew what to do. Her brain took over as she held up her hands and tried to find the pull of the creature's brain. She found it and gently tugged, making the animal calm down and fly in place.

"I told you to go inside," Grady yelled from across the field, still catching his breath.

"I couldn't just leave you here!"

"I don't need your help, Valerie! I can handle this on my own," Grady insisted, his voice strained with frustration.

"I'm not about to abandon you when you clearly need help," countered Val, her voice wavering slightly but resolute.

"Well, now you've put yourself in danger too. Great job," Grady retorted, his tone tinged with both irritation and concern.

"Let me see if I can make it land."

She tugged at a different string this time and the animal slowly sunk onto the ground. Grady and Edaline looked a little relieved, but once Valerie let go of the strings the creature was back at it again.

Suddenly, Sophie came running out. "What's going on?"

"You shouldn't be up. Go back to bed, Sophie, and take Valerie inside with you." Grady pleaded.

Sophie stared at the pterodactyl, trying to figure out what to do. Two enormous golden eyes locked with hers, and as she held its gaze an image filled her mind.


Sophie wasn't sure how, but she knew what to do. She raced for the shed, grabbed a torch, and raced back outside. A pile of dried umber leaves sat in the middle of the pasture, waiting to be given to the animals for breakfast. Sophie ran straight for it and lit the mound before she could change her mind.

Valerie still had a slight hold on the pterodactyl's mind, just enough so it wouldn't go crazy.

"What are you doing?" Edaline screamed as Sophie jumped back from the large blue flames. "Someone get some quicksnuff."

"Just wait a second," Sophie said, pointing to the pterodactyl, which had calmed down. "I know what I'm doing."

Valerie decided to put her full trust in Sophie and release the strings in the animal's mind.

The creature circled once, then dived into the azure blaze. Sophie couldn't help shrieking as the fire engulfed its golden body, but the pterodactyl flapped its wings in the flames. Sophie had to back away to avoid the flying sparks.

"What on earth were you thinking?" Edaline demanded, jerking Sophie farther away from the fire. "What would possess you to do that?"

"It was cold." Sophie pointed to the pterodactyl, still frolicking in the flames.

"Cold?" Grady asked, joining them.

"Yeah," Sophie told him. "She needed fire."

Grady stared at Sophie, then at the creature. "I think you're right. I bet this is a flareadon. They have fire-resistant fur—and they have to be around flames or they'll freeze to death. It's why they're so rare. But how did you know that?"

"I think I read its mind. Is that possible?"

Grady ran his hand across his face. "I don't know. I've never heard of anyone reading an animal's mind before."

"Who cares?" Edaline interrupted her voice an octave higher than normal.

"You could've been burned! You could've been killed! And you're supposed to be in bed, resting from your last brush with death!"

Valerie stood to the side, grimacing at Edaline's words.

Sophie backed a step away from a very frightened Edaline. "I was just trying to help."

"We don't need your help, Sophie. We need you inside—where it's safe. Now go!" She pointed to the house. She turned to Valerie, "And don't get me started on how much danger you could've been in if your idea didn't work out."

"I'm so so sorry. I acted before I thought." Valerie said, with her head hung low.

"I'm—I'm sorry," Sophie stammered, not sure what to say. "I didn't mean to worry you."

Sophie glanced at Grady, hoping he'd defend her—she did solve the problem, after all. But Grady was too busy holding a trembling Edaline. That's when it hit her.

Fire. Death. Jolie.

There was a crushing weight of guilt Valerie felt, pressing down on her chest like a boulder. Every step she took towards the house felt heavier, laden with the burden of what she could have done differently. She didn't mean to worry Edaline or Grady, all she wanted to do was help.

"Go back inside and rest. We'll talk in the morning," he said softly, his expression unreadable.

Sophie nodded, feeling a knot of unease tighten in her chest. "Okay," she murmured, avoiding his gaze. "I guess we'll see you when we wake up."

As the two girls made their way back to the house, there was a heavy silence between them. When Valerie glanced back one last time, they had already turned away, their figures disappearing into the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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