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Valerie's routine at Foxfire Academy was as familiar as the comforting embrace of her abilities. Each morning commenced with orientation, a time for announcements and attendance-taking, setting the stage for the day's educational endeavors. Engrossed in her assigned morning session, metaphysics, Valerie delved into writing her notes.

The corridors buzzed with energy as students hurried to their classes, their minds alight with curiosity and anticipation. With the sun climbing higher in the sky, Valerie's stomach rumbled in anticipation of lunch.

As Valerie made her way through the crowded corridors of Foxfire Academy, she felt the weight of someone's gaze lingering on her. Turning, she caught the curious eyes of a girl she didn't recognize, her stare intense and unwavering. The girl had teal eyes and chocolate brown hair. It took her a second to realize, the girl was Fitz's sister and one of Sophie's friends.

Val grabbed her lunch tray and joined her friends, Dex, Marella, Jensi and Sophie, at their table. Unfortunately for the group, Stina Heks decided to grace them with her presence.

As Valerie settled into her seat, Stina's eyes narrowed with a hint of malice, and she couldn't resist making a cutting remark. "Oh, look, it's the new girl trying to fit in with the popular crowd. I hope you brought some charm to make up for that lack of personality, Valerie."

All the girl did was raise an eyebrow, unfazed by Stina's pathetic attempt to mess with her. "Funny, Stina, I don't recall inviting you to our table. I'm sure we can make room, if you ask politely."

"Oh, how noble of you, Valerie, always trying to save face. But we all know you're just as much of an outsider here as you were in the human world. Don't get too comfortable pretending to fit in." With a toss of her hair, Stina turned on her heel and sauntered away, leaving Valerie to roll her eyes at the predictable display of Stina's arrogance.

A few minutes later, lunch ended, and Valerie made her way to her mesmerizing session with Grady. As she settled into her seat, she couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over her—the familiarity of Grady's presence and the soothing atmosphere of the classroom never failed to ease her mind. Mesmer sessions had quickly become her favorite of all her classes at Foxfire Academy. Unlike her other sessions, which often ended in turmoil or confusion, Valerie understood every instruction Grady provided her with. However, she couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy when faced with Elvin concepts she had not been taught in the Forbidden Cities.

All of the students ended the day with one hour of study hall, a time when the entire school was mixed together. The usually bustling corridors quieted as students settled into their chosen study areas, the only sound the soft rustle of parchment and the scratch of pens against paper. Valerie found a table in a secluded corner, surrounded by stacks of books and paper, her mind focused on the task at hand, she was a little bit earlier then her friends, so she saved them a table.

When her friends finally arrived, they all agreed to work on homework together. Dex pulled out a chair for himself as Fitz approached Sophie with a hint of concern in his voice. "Finally, I found you. Where were you at lunch? You could have sat with us," he remarked, his eyes searching hers for an explanation.

Sophie offered Fitz a sheepish smile, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Sorry, Fitz. I sat with Val, Dex, Marella and Jensi."

"Oh, well, the offer still stands if you want to sit with us tomorrow."

Sophie smiled as Fitz walked off to another table, presumably to study. Val continued to do her homework, but glanced at Dex when he started to begrudgingly grumble about, "Wonderboy."

"Come on, Dex," she teased, nudging him playfully. "You know Fitz means well. Besides, it's not like he's trying to steal your thunder or anything."

Dex rolled his eyes, a hint of spite creeping into his voice as he focused back on his homework. "Yeah, sure," he replied curtly, his tone tinged with annoyance as he begrudgingly returned to his assignments, his thoughts still lingering on Fitz's presence.

Study hall continued, but with a slightly noticeable awkward air lingering among the group. Despite their attempts to focus on their homework, there was an undeniable tension that hung in the air, stemming from Dex's lingering resentment towards Fitz and Sophie's unease at the strained atmosphere. Valerie glanced around the table, her brow furrowed with concern as she tried to think of a way to ease the tension.

Valerie bid goodbye to her friends as the final bell of Foxfire Academy rang out, signaling the end of another day of classes. She leaped to her temporary home, Enchanted Pines, where Clara was waiting for her.

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