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Sophie guarded the memory log as if it were a precious secret, keeping it close at all times and only working on it when she was alone. Fortunately, her routine of disappearing into the caves for alchemy practice after school became a familiar sight to Grady and Edaline, meaning they suspected nothing. Even Dex, preoccupied as he was with the intensified ability-detecting exercises, failed to notice the subtle shift in their normal schedule.

Valerie, on the other hand, had her own set of dilemmas. She could no longer sleep peacefully at night and opted to sneaking out to take walks and sometimes even spending time with the animals in their enclosures. Despite her attempts to find peace, the weight of uncertainty continued to weigh heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over her every step. Val constantly noticed her new habits which consisted of cracking her knuckles, picking at the skin around her lips and nails, and shaking her foot whenever she sat down.

Only Biana seemed to sense something amiss, her concern evident in the glances she cast Valerie and Sophie's way.

She cornered Sophie in the hallway. "Are you or Valerie mad at me?"

"What? No. Why?"

"You two haven't come over in at least three weeks. It was before the school was evacuated."

Had it really been that long? "Sorry. We've been superbusy."

"Do you guys want to come over this weekend?"

"I don't think we can." She needed to avoid Alden, so he wouldn't ask to see her memory log.

"What about next weekend?"

"Uh . . . sure."

Biana seemed so insistent, and she could always cancel. Biana straightened, like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "Cool. I'll tell my parents so they know to be home."

"Oh. Good." She was sure her smile looked more like a grimace.

Despite her inner turmoil, Sophie recognized that she might be overreacting. Apart from the mysterious Elementine and the photo of the sand castle, her search had yielded no significant revelations. Pouring over her scrapbook in search of any hint of her elven heritage and meticulously documenting her dreams, she found nothing that seemed worth hiding. Perhaps Elementine was merely a singular oddity. While she remained committed to her quest for answers, Sophie began to entertain the notion that perhaps she needn't stress excessively over the memory log.

"Hey, Valerie?" Sophie said


"Biana wants us to come over and hangout at Everglen next weekend."

"Oh, ok." Valerie's response came out in an apprehensive tone, betraying her inner thoughts. The thought of visiting Everglen filled her with a sense of dread. What if Alden or Della noticed the shift in her demeanor and asked her questions? The mere idea sent a shiver down her spine.

She contemplated ways to mask her unease, knowing that any indication of her turmoil could invite unwanted scrutiny. Perhaps feigning a sudden bout of exhaustion or pretending to be preoccupied with something else might excuse her from going.

Sophie went so, Valerie decided she would go too. Despite her initial uneasiness she truly enjoyed herself. They played base quest several times, the first three rounds Fitz and Sophie won, the next two Fitz, Biana, and Valerie won. Keefe spent the rest of the day grumbling about cheating, rules, and conspiracies. Valerie laughed until she cried. She couldn't believe how much fun she was having even with the looming thoughts of the Black Swan still cemented into her head.

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