☁️ the snake ☁️

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As always, I take suggestions♤

Sanemi and his boyfriend obanai are on a mission. They walk through the forest, the place they are going is pretty far and it is pretty quiet. So sanemi starts a conversation.

"Hey, obanai," "hm?" "How did you meet kaburamaru?" Obanai stopped for a second before continuing to walk with sanemi. "Uh... It's a long story," "welp, it's a long walk! We got plenty of time! So why don't your short a🫏s tell me how you met your best friend!" "Ugh, fine! But for you to understand, I have to start from the beginning." Obamai said as he touched his cheek through the bandages.

"So basically, I was born into a cult of all women, and they followed this demon. They were supposed to feed me to it, but the demon sparred me because I was the first boy born in the family for over 300 years and my eye colors. She was gonna kill me when I turned 12. But before then, she told them to put me in a cage. A cage I stayed in for 12 years. When I was 12, she made them take me out of the cage. She looked at me and decided to wait until I had more meat on my bones. But. She was hungry, so she ordered them to hold me down, and" Obanai took of his bandages while saying "cut my face like a snake, making this."

"Obanai," "she put me back in the cage and I stopped eating. Kaburamaru slithered into my cage, and he became my first friend. I managed to get my hands on a hair pin, and one night I used it to break the cage and leave. The demon chased me the rengoku's dad saved me killing the demon, he brought me back to my cousin when I found out that the demon killed all but one of my family members when she found out I ran away."


"And thats how i met kaburamaru." Obanai said. He was about to put his bandages back on when sanemi grabbed his hands.

"Obanai, you're beautiful," sanemi said as he looked obanai in the eyes.

Obanai started to tier up. "Thank you, sanemi," obanai said.

" Obanai, there is something I always wanted to do with you, but because of the bandages, I couldn't" sanemi said "what is it?" Obanai responded curiously. "Can I, kiss you?" Sanemi said.

Obanai just smiled at his lover before saying "of course"

-thank you for reading this and getting this book to a thousand readers-

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