🌧️ cookie pt2☁️

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-this was a suggestion, just wanna make that clear-

It was three am and obanai couldn't sleep. He was laying in bed shaking and crying as his sleeping lover spooned him from behind. Obanai couldn't move. He felt trapped. Trapped with the person who just raped him.

Sanemi started to stir awake. "Ugh, obanai why are you awake, what time is it?" Sanemi said as he started to sit up."i-im *hick* d-don't know" obanai said crying. "Obanai! baby! What wrong?" Sanemi said as he picked up his lover and hugged him, which made obanai shake more.

Sanemi was confused, 'what is going on' he thought, 'why is obanai shaking show much, and why did he start shaking more when I picked him up...oh, oh, oh no, oh god, sanemi you promised him you would stop' "obanai I am so sorry, I told you I would stop but I didn't I'm so sorry"

"Y-your p-promised me t-that y-your w-would s-stop d-drinking" obanai said crying his eyes out. "I'm so very sorry" sanemi said as he put obanai down on the bed. "We still have some cookies left if you want some." Obanai nodded. "Okay dear I'll be right back." Sanemi leaves the room leaving obanai alone. Obanai turned his head to see one of the empty beer bottles sanemi has laying around the house from last night.

Sanemi was in the kitchen trying to find the rest of the cookies, he found them in a Tupperware container. He was about to go back to obanai but when he turned his head he found him. Staring right at him. Kaburamaru.

"Hey...kaburamaru... how are you-" CRASH. sanemi was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking from the bedroom. Sanemi and kaburamaru froze for a second, as they remembered the main rule after sanemi was drunk, never leave obanai alone or else he will-

Sanemi ran upstairs to the bedroom kaburamaru not far behind him. He got to the bedroom eyes wideing with horror. Obanai was a crying mess, he was surrounded by broken glass and was holding a big piece over his arm. The pice was bloody, and so was his arm. But there was multiple cuts and wounds on him from the glass, but that was the only pice bloody.

"OBANAI" sanemi yelled as he and kaburamaru ran over to obanai. "Obanai, baby why?" "Y-you d-don't l-love m-me" "what are you talking about I love you more than anything, and it hurts me to see you like this," obanai hugged sanemi as he said this. "Obanai let's go get you cleaned up okay," "o-ok-kay" obanai said as sanemi picked him up and carried him to the bathroom.

Sanemi set obanai down on the bathroom counter. Sanemi picked up a wash cloth and rad it under warm water. Sanemi started to clean obanai's arm with the wash cloth. Obanai let out a little his of pain, but kaburamaru was there to calm him down. When sanemi was done cleaning obanai's arm he got some bandages and started to bandage obanai's arm.

Once sanemi was done he kissed his boyfriend and picked him up "so you need anything baby?" Sanemi asked carrying him down stairs, "ya ware are those cookies you promised?" "Oh, I dropped the container they were in when I heard the glass breaking. So I think they are still in the kitchen" "how dare you drop the cookies now they are broken!" "Like your legs" "hey!" "And besides, you haven't seen them yet so how do you know." "Touche" obanai said as sanemi put him down at the table. Sanemi walked over to the kitchen and picked up the Tupperware container full of last night's cookies and handed them to obanai.

"I'm gonna go clean the glass from upstairs, you stay here and kaburamaru is watching you" sanemi said as he turned to Leave. Obanai rolled his eyes, opened the cookie container and brought out one cookie."SEE SANEMI! BROKEN!!" "LIKE YOUR LEGS, SHORTY" sanemi walked up stairs and obanai ate his cookie.

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