☁️ little angel ☀️

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Obanai walked in the house carrying something. "Love what are you carrying?" Sanemi asked sitting on the couch looking up at his lover from his book. "Sanemi, just listen to me. So, I was on a mission and there was this lady, I don't remember her name but there was a demon and they demon was chasing the lady and I killed the demon..... but well the demon already laid an attack on the lady. Sooooo the demon was dieing and she was on the brink of death, and I noticed that she was holding something and she said that her husband died a week earlier because of a sickness that was going through the town and that she wanted me to take care of the thing she was holding and uhh it was a baby, she said her name was nara and that she was born 42 days ago. I know I could just take her to an orphanage but sanemi please! We could be a happy family with nara. Please can we keep her, she has no ware else to go and is my responsibility, please can we keep her I'll take care of her."

Sanemi walked up to obanai and the little baby he held in his hands. Sanemi heled obanai's face in his hands and with a smile said "obanai I was trying to ask you for a long time now if you were interested in expanding our family, but I could never find the words to tell you, I was scared what you would say, so listen here my little bitch, I would love to adopt the little angel." Sanemi kissed his boyfriend then his daughter.

"Now we just gotta get the stuff to take care of her," obanai said excited about his new daughter. "How about this I'll go get the stuff and you take nara and stay here to get you two some time together!" Obanai said handing nara to Sanemi, but the moment obanai stopped touching her she started crying. Sanemi tried to calm her down but failed "let me hold her" obanai said and the moment obanai held her nara stoped crying "she really likes you huh, well I guess I'll go get the stuff from the store and you stay here with nara, so we need baby toys, baby food, a crib, a stroller, a pacifier, milk, baby bottles, diapers and a changing table."

Sanemi left leaving obanai alone with nara. "Why do you cry when I put you down?" Obanai said as he rocked nara in his arms. "Gagugag" " your lucky you're so cute, agh who am I kidding, I would feel bad leaving a child who has their parents taken by demons, I had my parents taken by demons to, well only my mom, I never had a dad. Until Mr rengoku saved me that is, he adopted me and raised me. Why am I telling something I haven't even told sanemi yet to a baby I met today...a CUTE baby I met today."

"Oh Little angel, little bitch, I'm back!" Sanemi yelled as he walked in the house. "Look nara Papa's back!" Obanai said walking over to his love. "Papa?" Sanemi said confused. "Ya and I'm Daddy, unless you wanna be Daddy and I'll be Papa?" " The only person calling anyone daddy is you tonight, and it should stay that way, I'll be dada and you'll be mama" "i-im n-not b-being c-called m-mama!" Obanai said bright red, until..."mama!"Nara said smiling and grabbing obanai's shirt. "Good girl Nara" sanemi said laughing. "Nara how dare you, welp I guess I'm mama..." "And~not walking tomorrow~" "S-SANEMI!" Obanai yells bright red, "okay, okay now help me put this crib together so we can go to bed, you must be tired from your mission" "you are just trying to get me in bed with you faster huh" "you know me~ the sooner the better~"

Sanemi takes the crib to a guest room that they will change into a bedroom for the little angel. Obanai walks into the room and sets Nara who is now sleeping in the bed. Obanai sets toys and clothes in the bedroom and food and milk in the fridge as sanemi sets up a changing table in the bathroom. When they are done they sit on the couch together holding hands. Sanemi picks up obanai's hand and kissing it making obanai giggle. Silence. "Obanai," sanemi says "how are we going to take care of her?" "What do you mean sanemi?" "I mean that what are we going to do when we both have missions when we are gone all day and most of the night, when we have a meeting with the others, when you are on a mission," "what do you mean by when I'm on a mission?" "Obanai, you are her favorite she cry's when you don't hold her. Obanai, one of us might have to-" "I know, I knew from the moment I saw her, that I would have to leave the corp, I'll send a letter to oyakata-sama tomorrow morning telling him that I have to leave for personal reasons. sanemi don't try to change my mind about it because I made this choice on my own, of my own will, my mind is made up and trust me it is not changing."

"Don't worry, I won't. It'll be weird with you not in the corp but it is for the best and you are not changing your mind, but~" "but what?" Sanemi puts his hand on obanai's thigh and rubs it slowly. "Sanemi how eager are you to get in my pants?" Obanai says giggling. "VERY" sanemi said. Obanai starts laughing softly "may I ~" sanemi asked and obanai nods. Sanemi tackles obanai while taking of his clothes before picking up the naked obanai and carrying him to the bedroom leaving the clothes on the floor. "Dam sanemi I didn't think you were this horny," "then I guess you don't know me at all ~.also it's daddy to you~" "sorry, Daddy~" obanai says as he is pinned to the bed.

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