☁️ little angel pt3 ☁️

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Obanai was sitting on the line table writing the letter to oyakata-sama. Obanai was upset about leaving the corp but he had to do it. That's when sanemi entered carrying Nara. "Oi get of the f🦆king table!" "No! I can't get down!" "What do you mean you can't?" "You shoved your d🐓k up my a🐴s and now I can't move my f🦆king legs!" Obanai put his pin down and held up his letter.

"Done" obanai said with a sad tone in his voice. "Can I see it obi?" Sanemi said calmly "sure." Obanai said handing him the letter. "Thank you, 'dear oyakata-sama, I am very fond of being in the demon slayer core, but something has came up in my personal life and I do deeply apologize but I can not stay, sincerely, former serpent hashira, obanai iguro,' hm, you did well" sanemi said handing obanai the letter back to his lover.

"Thanks, hey kaburamaru," obanai said as kaburamaru slithered up. "Can you give this letter to oyakata-sama for me please?" Kaburamaru nods. He takes the letter and slithered away. Sanemi stares in shock

"That was f🦆 cking adorable!" Sanemi yelled. "What do you mean by that?" "He nodded! And it was to cute!" Obanai made a small laugh at the others comment. "Obi can you take nara for a sec I gotta go use the bathroom," "sure" obanai said as he was handed Nara.

Sanemi started to walk to the bathroom but, "CAW CAW MISSION FOR WIND HASHIRA SANEMI I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE LAST NAME AT ******* VILLAGE, LEAVE NOW CAW" "I'm gonna go use the bathroom first-" "LEAVE NOW CAW CAW" "fine " sanemi said as the crow flew away.

"Welp I gotta go, by little angel, by little bitch" "stop calling me that!" "Ok ok, by obi" "by baby" " by Dada" sanemi smiled as he left. "Welp Nara, looks like it's just you and me." "Mama" Nara giggled

Kaburamaru came back with a letter, but not the same one he left with. "Oh kaburamaru your back!" Obanai said, kaburamaru gave him the letter, "is this from oyakata-sama?" Obanai asked, the snake nodded.

Obanai read the letter out loud so kaburamaru and Nara could here it. "Okay, 'dear obanai, I am deeply grateful you were in the demon slayer core, and although I am sad to see you leave my child, I understand, I will not pry into your personal life but I would like to know a little more about why you are leaving, maybe we could find away for you to stay a demon slayer while we solve this problem of yours, sincerely oyakata-sama.' should i respond, what do you think sanemi?"
"Right....you aren't here. I'll leave the letter here thil he gets back, is that a good idea Kaburamaru?" Obanai said to be left with silence. "Kaburamaru?" Obanai said realizing that kaburamaru wasn't there. " God damnit kaburamaru ware did you go!" Obanai said, kaburamaru head popped out of one of the cabinets in the kitchen, " why are you in there."

Obanai got up to see what was in the cabinet. He opened it and saw kaburamaru's Collection of dead muscle mice. "I'm just gonna act like I didn't see that." Obanai said closing the cabinet and walking away.

Obanai played with nara for awhile but he started to miss sanemi. "I hope that dada doesn't have a long mission." Obanai said to Nara as he was putting her down for a nap.

The next morning

Obanai was on the couch holding little baby Nara in his lap. "Hopefully your dada will be home soon, and maybe we can get you some new toys! How does that sound angel ♥️" "*excited baby noice*" "ok! it a plan!" Nara made happy noises when obanai said that.

Sanemi slowly opened the door. Obanai perked up. "Sanemi! Your home! I...we missed you." Obanai said walking to sanemi. "I was only gone for a day" "I don't care" sanemi laughed at his lovers tone before taking a deep breath and looking at him, "obanai, I need to talk to you about something... important." Sanemi said looking down at something behind him. That was when obanai saw it, or him. Behind sanemi stood a small scared seven Year old boy hiding behind sanemi.

Obanai and Sanemi sat down on the couch, the scared boy sat bye sanemi. "Obanai listen, I was on a mission when this family was killed by a demon. Apparently the family was abusive and the demon was one of the daughters who wanted to take revenge on her abusive parents. She killed them first, she was planning to save her brother but lost control and tried to kill him to. This is Seita, he is seven old, his favorite animal is fireflies, his sister was named Setsuko." Sanemi paused "he has no family left, and nowhere else to go, I was wondering we could adopt him and ad him to our family, I know we just adopted Nara and it would be stressful having two kids but, obanai, he needs us."

"Sanemi, you don't know me as well as I thought you did." Obanai said, "obanai what do you mean?" "Of course I would agree to adopt Seita," "oh I guess I don't" "I just have one question nemi, how did you know about the abuse and stuff like that?" " Oh his Setsuko told me when she was burning up." "That poor girl" "I know."

Obanai stud up and walked over to Seita. "Hi there, my name is obanai, but you can call me whatever you want, you will be living with us for a while. This is Nara, she is a month old." "I l-like y-your s-snake," Seita said as he slowly started to warm up to obanai. "Oh, this is kaburamaru, and call me crazy but he is my best friend, do you wanna pet him" Seita nodded his head and obanai let him pet kaburamaru.

As time passed Nara and Seita started to get tired. So obanai put Nara in her crib as sanemi took Seita to a guest room that they will turn into his. "This was a guest room but you can stay in here for tonight, we will get some stuff tomorrow to make your room better obanai and I sleep in the room next door if have any problemes feel free to come to us. Any questions?" "Uh ya, um, is obanai a boy or a girl, Nara called them mama but I don't know?" "Obanai is a boy, Nara just calles him mama, you don't have to call him that if it makes you uncomfortable." Sanemi said as he tucked him in to bed "good night Seita" "good night Mr sanemi, tell Mama I said good night " sanemi smiled "I will, sweet dreams Seita"

Sanemi laid in bed with obanai and they talked for a bit before sanemi drifted of to sleep. 'crap I forgot to tell sanemi about the letter, I guess I'll do it again' obanai said as he feel asleep.

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