Because of You 4

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It's the day of our date. Toro and Catalina arrived earlier and were distributing the load amongst each other. I offered to carry more but Toro refused to allow it, adding that he would carry both of us if needed. There is no doubt in my mind that he could.

"Myo, I just wanted to say... you're even nicer than I thought you were." Catalina blurted out her sentence, she's terrible at expressing herself.

"And you're still the same. But I've come to realize you're a lot braver than I gave you credit for. Thanks for coming today."

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it."

Since Toro couldn't hear us, I whispered. "Also gives you some quality time with Toro."

Catalina smiled and nodded.

I watch as birds fly over us and up the mountain. A few rabbits near us ran for cover as their mortal enemies decided not to feast for the time being. Just like them, I would use the cover provided by the trees on my way up the mountain.

The heavy pants I'm wearing have my body working overtime to regulate its temperature. But a bit of sweat won't be enough to stop me.

The altitude did worry me, but if I take it slow, I should acclimate soon. Even so, Toro and I decided not to risk it with Manami. We can always return next week or in a few days if she's up for it.

As Manami arrives, wearing a brand-new set of mountain climbing clothes, I see a strong determination in her eyes. Her goal of reaching the top will be met today. I'll make sure of it.

"Guys!" Manami runs over to us, stumbling in her boots on her way. She gives me a quick smile and meets with Toro and Catalina.

I met Manami's parents by their car. They filled a bag with all her medicine, notes, and supplies for the climb. The zipper was fighting against all odds to keep the contents enclosed.

Manami's mom gives the rundown once more, asking some questions along the way that I answer with ease.

"What did you promise?" She asked.

"I'll turn around if anything goes wrong. I promise."

Manami's mom handed me a camera. "Take some good ones for us."

I stuffed the expensive looking camera into the bag they brought. Looking into the car, I noticed some gear in the trunk. "Planning on going for a climb?"

Manami's mom looks over to make sure no one could hear us. "Her dad just wants to be close, just in case."

"I don't mind." I look over to Manami's dad as he changes clothes. "But she might get mad if she catches you."

"I'll just lie and say I felt like taking the climb myself. I'll start about 15 minutes after you, that way we're not too far from each other."

"Cool, I'll see you at the top then." I waved to Manami's little brother and reunited with my group.

Manami greets me with another smile. Her eyes told me that she wanted to head out as soon as possible.

"Want me to carry that?" Toro asked about the new bag I had.

"Thanks, but I got this one. Alright." I swing the bag onto my stomach and kneel with my back facing Manami. After getting on, she wraps her arms around me and presses her cheek against mine.

"I believe in you."

Now there's no mountain that stands a change against me.

Manami waves to her family but gives her dad, who was hiding behind their car, a strange stare. "Jeez." She whispered. "Don't let him distract you."

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