Fleeting 2

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Toro offered to pay for my ramen afterward. I declined.

Not that I wouldn't enjoy a free bowl of ramen, but I plan on drowning myself in it to calm the pain swelling inside after being rejected.

What happened after the rejection is hazy to me, but Toro said I was frozen still as Manami rushed past us to the school lot. He also mentioned that she muttered, "I'm really sorry." as she passed by.

In truth, I never planned to be rejected. My incredible charm, decent looks, and preparation should have been enough to pull any girl. But I miscalculated, Manami is not just any girl. I should be the one apologizing for believing so.

Given how it went, I now sit across from Toro in our favorite ramen shop. Three bowls of ramen sit in front of me; I doubt I'll make it halfway through the second one before I collapse from heart failure. But I have my trusted friend Toro to help finish the rest and carry my lifeless body home afterwards.


"Yea?" I manage to say as I slurp the noodles.

"You don't seem too sad, or are you just putting on a strong face?"

"Come on Toro. If this was enough to put me down, then I wouldn't be the brave Myo." I lied.

My hidden talent is acting. Or so I like to believe. No matter how difficult things get, or how terrible I feel, I always have a happy face plastered on. I need to. Not for others. This was so that I could look in the mirror and believe everything would get better. It always works.

"Alright, but I'm here if you need to talk."

'Thanks, little bro." Despite my acting skills, I couldn't fool Toro. Darn his years of experience on my character.

"If I'm being honest, I'm surprised she said no... she looked happy when you first asked."

"Really?" All I remembered was her look of disgust at the end. But that's natural, I think. If someone wins a prize at a fair then spills a drink on their favorite shirt later that day, they'll remember the tragedy instead of their big win.

I'm no different. My brain replays her rejection and face without stopping as I eat my ramen. But, by now, I've acclimated.

"Maybe it was just too much of a surprise. Why not give it another go?"

"Hmmm." I'm not against the idea. As the brave Myo, I'm more than willing to do it. "I don't know, she might think I'm weird for pestering her. Even if I can't date her, I'd rather stay in her good graces."

"Oh, ok."

I stare at Toro as he finishes his bowl. He picks it up and exaggerates how much is left inside as he gulps the rest down. "I'm here all day, no matter how much you want to avoid it bud."

Toro sets the empty bowl down. I slide over my third bowl. I have room left but my acclimation convinced me to live another day.


"Toro, what happened?" I ask with a demanding tone. I'm quick to anger, and I'm in no mood to be lied to. The two bullies I dealt with were lucky I was rejected after I handled them.

"I missed another important shot in our game. Now we can't lose another game, or we miss playoffs... it's my fault." He mutters at the end.

"So what?"

"So what?"

"Yea, you missed a few shots, so what? Everyone misses shots, but you have to keep playing and do your best to win. Listen Toro, you need to have a short memory in sports. You missed a few important shots, but it only takes one to be a hero."

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