Because of You 1

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Somehow, Toro's popularity skyrocketed to new heights after the victory against our rivals. Toro was hounded by his fans for the first three days after we returned to school for the week. Which isn't unusual, but even boys were starting to crowd around him whenever he showed up to school.

Our senior, Javier, enjoyed the popularity; unlike Toro who's a social recluse, he's known for being a womanizer.

I'll never know what that sort of fame feels like. No. I know something much worse.

"Hey! Get away from him!" I yelled after Toro and I were separated at the school entrance. Manami and I walk to class together every morning with Toro following right behind us like a security guard. But I've had to leave Manami to protect the man every day so far.

It's unbelievable how ignorant everyone is to social cues. As Toro attempts to walk through the crowd, with his head down, a trembling voice, and slumped shoulders, one would think that'd be enough to convey how uncomfortable he is.

They choose to ignore it. But they can't ignore me yelling at them. "Come on Toro." I grabbed Toro by his hand and dragged him away with me.

"Hey!" A girl grabs Toro's other hand. "Why do you get to hog him all to yourself?! We're fans too!"

"Huh?" I walked up to the girl. I've never even seen her at a game, the hype around Toro was all she was after. "Listen here you little-"

Someone tugs at my shirt. It was Manami who somehow managed to push through the crowd.

She whispered a great idea into my ear. "Oh, Toro has a meeting with some scouts, you're all getting in his way. Now scram!" At the bold lie provided by my incredible girlfriend, the crowd creates a path for us to get through.

"Thanks guys." Toro whispers as we walk to class.

"Thank Manami, I would have started a riot." I give Manami a pat on the head, but she pulls away. We aren't the most physical couple, but she hasn't pulled away like that before. "Sorry."

"No no." She takes my hand and starts touching parts of her body as if trying to find which she likes best. I was centimeters away from heaven at some points, but no such luck this morning. "Here." It wasn't a pat, but she liked it when I wrapped my arm around her shoulder best.

"As you wish." We arrived at class, but I held out my hand to stop Toro. "What're you doing?"

"Going to class?"

"No sir." I point to the end of the hallway. "We just lied to half the school, go hide in the bathroom for a few minutes or something."

"Oh, right! I'll be back." Toro scurries away to the bathroom.

As I'm a bad influence on Manami, she's no longer the first to arrive in class. The usual students are already inside, most wouldn't dare look my way or fear their test scores will drop. Rumors that Manami's were going to drop soon even started but she kept up with her studies regardless.

There was one surprise this morning. Catalina, who did her best to plaster a smile on her face – or at least a neutral look – had nothing but a frown today. The three friends she hangs around with were gathered around her engrossed in their conversation. But Catalina wasn't interested.

Manami also noticed, but there isn't much we can do about it now.

I thanked the heavens when lunch time came around. Manami scorned me about my lack of interest in school earlier this week, but I still struggle to find the ability to concentrate as our teacher rambles on for hours. The promised time has come, however.

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