Fleeting 4

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Manami wasn't at school the next day. Not that I had any idea of how to follow up on our last interaction. An apology was the least I could do after forcing her to reveal such a secret.

"Myo?" Toro attempts to snap me back to reality by waving his lunch box in front of me. He has his lunch packed by his mom since his maintenance calorie amount is so high. He'd starve to death if she didn't.

Lunch break is around noon for my class. There's a small cafeteria at our school that serves sandwiches, fruits, and other items that are easy to package.

There are few tables to eat at and most students choose to eat in class or outside.

Toro and I have ownership of a table with a great view of the track below where we can admire the upper-class beauties. Toro is also the reason no one ever sat here. They all feared angering the giant of school, which I don't blame them for.

There is one consequence of our beloved seats; we're easy to find. Toro's fans bring him snacks. It happens so often that they had a list of his favorite snacks by now. One time I got chocolate, but that was only because it slipped from the girl's hands and onto my lap. *

She gave me a furious look as I ate it in one bite. Toro has good taste in snacks is all I'll say.

Today was no different, girls from all grades visited and asked him about his day. He isn't the best at responding and looked over to me for help, but I was too distracted to notice.

I didn't pack food or bring money. I sat on my bed staring at the floor after waking up and had to rush out of the house by the time I realized how long I sat there.

We all have our days when our mood isn't the best. But Toro could tell something was bothering me.

"Still hurt about Friday?" Toro asked.

"Hmm, oh, no." It isn't my place to talk about Manami. The naïve part of me hoped she may have made a mistake by saying terminally. Or maybe I just didn't want to believe it. "Toro... are you afraid of dying?"

Toro puts his plate down and moves to the seat beside me. "Hey man, you can talk to me. You know that, right?"

I give him a smile to alleviate his worries. "Don't worry, it's nothing like that. Something just came up, and It's been on my mind ever since."

Toro returns to his seat. His fans had made the rounds for the day and will return to cheer him on during practice later. "I'm not so sure about death, but I hope I've lived a good life when my time comes."

"I like that. And I know you'll look back at it all and smile."

"You as well big bro." He said as he finished his last sandwich.

It would be nice. To smile during my last moments after living a life full of joy and wonders. But if I'm aware of my time closing in, does that mean I should give up on enjoying what time I have left? Is it all pointless then?

I may be in no position to speak, but I refuse to believe so. Even at the last breath, giving up on enjoying life isn't an option.

But would I offend her for saying such a thing? What will I regret less?

Toro tosses a bar of chocolate at my chest that brings me back. I look around to make sure his fan isn't around anymore and scarf it down after.

"Sure you're ok?" Toro asks as he prepares to leave for basketball practice.

"Yea, I'm good. You're not hiding anything from me, are you?" I glared at him. There was a hint of guilt on his face because of the events on Friday.

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