Kareoke in the Auditorium

Start from the beginning

Mickey- But-

Russell- my decision is final

9- [kneels down on the floor] please! You don't understand how much a kareoke party would mean to a group of...young...underprivileged teenage boys

Russell- underprivileged?

9- I'll have you know, SIR, that I come from a broken home... [pouts]

Russell- you come from an Orphanage

9- exactly

Mickey- [gets down onto his knees next to The Doctor] and my Nana HATES fun. She doesn't believe in Kareoke, Sir

Russell- [holds back a laugh] how can someone not believe in kareoke?

Ianto- [gets down next to them both] my vocal cords are broken, Sir, I can't sing until after 7oclock or...or I drop dead

Russell- Well in that case I don't think you should be singing at all!

Jack- [goes to kneel]

Russell- Jack-

Jack- Yes?

Russell- There's not a single lie you could tell me that I wouldn't have heard already

Jack- I know...I just wanted to be apart of the moment

Russell- [sighs] fine. I give up. You can have the Auditorium from 7 to 10. But no later

9- yes!

Mickey- We have an Auditorium?

Russell- Yes, it's behind the cafeteria. I'll let the cook know. I'm going to assume you want some snacks for your party?

Mickey- Absolutely

Russell- Okay. I'll have that arranged. Now get out of my room, youths

Mickey- Yes Sir [starts to walk out]

9- May I just say, you have excellent pajamas, Sir

Russell- No you may not. Get out.

Ianto- [drags them all out of the room]

Jack- okay lads, we have...12 and a half hours left to prepare

Mickey- [gulps]

Ianto- I'll go get started on the posters

9- and I'll find out everyone's favorite songs and snacks!

Jack- Mickey, you and I can get started on the decorations. I know just where to find them

Mickey- Perfect

[There's a moment of silence]

9- look at us...we're a team, at last

Ianto- I hate you all

Jack- [scoffs]

Mickey- [walks away] stop slouching everyone! We've got work to do!

9- well...that almost worked

Ianto- no it didn't

9- thank you, Ianto [sarcastic]

Ianto- your welcome

[Later on. 8:00 am]

[Room 101]

Rose- [wakes up]

[Donna, Sarah Jane and Martha are all standing at the end of her bed, arms crossed]

Rose- Um...okay. that's not creepy whatsoever. Sup...guys

Donna- Sup

Martha- [nudges Donna] Donna- we're supposed to be mad at her, remember!

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