Step 22: Fall on your knees

Start from the beginning

"This is the best you can do?" Carrigan's tone was cold and more impatient than before as he grabbed the back of Frey's head to push him deeper. "How do you plan on pleasing that filth if you can't even suck him off properly?"

Frey had no response. He had no experience and while he probably could have made a bigger effort at the time he wasn't sure it would have been satisfactory anyway.

After gagging yet another time, Frey pulled away to catch his breath, wiping saliva from his chin with a grimace.

"You're not even trying." Carrigan gave him an unimpressed look before grabbing his arm with a sigh. "Isn't it enough to not take your work seriously?"

He turned Frey around to push him against the bed, leaning forward to whisper in his ear.

"Or could it be that you were impatient for something else?"

"For you to be done, I suppose," Frey managed to respond through the multiple words that had choked in his throat, and Carrigan clicked his tongue.

"Still such a brat, even at your age." He pushed Frey face first down onto the mattress before gripping his hips, raising them for a better view. "I suppose Claus never bothered teaching you how to grow up."

He ran a hand down Frey's back with a near wistful sigh.

"I'll bet he never bent you over his knee to put you in your place, like you so sorely needed." He gave Frey a light slap. "Then perhaps you wouldn't be such a whiny bitch today."

Frey wouldn't bite. He would not entertain the idea of discussing his father at a time like this. Not just because of his wish to leave it out of their current scenario, but because he didn't want to reflect on what he would think. Would his father, despite everything, approve of what he was doing? He was doing it to save West Kerilia after all.

He bit into his lower lip, quietly obeying Carrigan's order to spread his legs more.

He was not so certain about Marius though. He'd never wanted to think about that either. Would his father have minded? Would he have supported Frey and Marius being together, despite what it meant for them? He'd always supported Frey before, so what would he say? What would the person whose opinion had always meant the most to Frey say about it all?

"I'll admit this is quite the pleasant sight." Carrigan ran a hand down Frey's spine to press a finger against his opening. "And you actually made some effort to prepare, I see."

Frey turned his head to stare at a wall, fingers curling into the sheets.

"... I don't want it to hurt."

Carrigan scoffed.

"And you think I do? Think what you want of me, but I was never going to hurt you." He kept teasing Frey's skin. "Besides, you're mine tonight, and I will take care of you as such."

Frey shuddered as a finger slid inside, face flushing as Carrigan slowly moved back and forth.

"To think I finally got to press you down like this though..." Carrigan's triumphant smile seemed evident through the tone of his voice. "... Young Lord Clausson, bowing before me at last."

He bent his finger upwards, eliciting a gasp from Frey before continuing.

"Or... I suppose you're not a 'young' lord anymore, are you? Not like when we first began these nightly meetings."

Frey's blushing face scrunched up, and he clenched his jaw to deny Carrigan further sounds of implied pleasure.

He had at least been old enough to know. To know the men he met with were creeps. That despite his supposed adulthood he was much too young for them, but he'd gone along with it anyway. He'd enjoyed what had turned out to be the illusion of an upper hand, with boundaries enough to keep them at that safe distance.

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