10 || If only you could listen

7 4 0

"My eyes look for you in the midst of a crowd

But shy away when you are right in front"

I spent my extra recess walking around school just to find you
(I was a lazy person and I still am)

Then I saw you and walked towards your way
(Acting like I didn't just roam the whole school to see you)

I smiled
(On the inside)

I stood awkwardly near a trash can, pretending to throw rubbish from my pocket
(I forgot how to walk)

Your group of friends stopped and asked me a question I can't remember now
(I wish my voice and smart choices of words left a good impression on you)

My eyes were focused on your friend but I could catch you nodding at me
(Is it wrong if I saw your nod as a 'yes, I like you too')

I avoided your eye contact
(I really like your eyes)

Then, you guys left
(Please stay)

I turned around and saw your figure getting smaller
(Counting every second and stopped at 9 before you completely vanished)

"Look back" I shouted
(In my mind)

All these years I acted cold and distant,

Oh, you must've thought I really, really hate you
(I really, really love you)

When Forever Left UsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt