8 || Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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"I'm sorry that I didn't know you have insecurities,

I was too overwhelmed with mine"

You are enough.

I know its ridiculous,

but you are perfectly perfect enough in my eyes.

Although I know that once this lense is removed,

the word 'perfect' wouldn't exist at all.

Because no one is really perfect

but my heart claims you to be a special case.

I wish I could tell you

that you're a beauty

more than just a beauty

an art that can't be interpreted

because even the artist himself couldn't find a word to describe you.

Like an invisible glitter being put in a brush,

you shine differently.

I almost stopped you from walking in such distress to go home


I wanted to tell you how worthy you are

but the words die in my stomach

before it could even reach my lips.

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