6:The Boy Under Hay

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3rd person pov:

Izuku struggles to break free. As his air begins to run out. So too does his strangth.

Izu:"Not like this......... please."

As enji throws the bag to the ground. Hawks stands above with a long feather in hand.

Haw:"It's time you come clean. Why......?"

His fists tighten. As he prepares to strike through the bag.

Haw:"Why set the fields on fire? Was it to cover the fact that you killed TOUYA!!?"



Hawks stabs into the bag. Piercing izuku's left arm.

Izu:"I haven't done anything!"

Haw:"Then why were you trying to plant roots earlier?"

Enji:"You took my son away from me. For that alone. I'll never forgive you."

Enji uses his knife to stab izuku in the right leg.


Haw:"Then why were you-"

Izu:"I was trying to help in the search. It was gonna be a surprise if I found him. As thanks for your help in finding the human I'M looking for."

Enji:"About that. No others have come through in over a year. Looks like you ran our of luck."

Enji leans in close to whisper.

Enji:"Looks like I'll be gaining your power instead."

As izuku gasps. Enji puts pressure to cover izuku's mouth. Then he stabs him in the chest.

Haw:"Now what?"

Enji:"I'll take his power. That way we can protect ourselves."


Hawks and enji hear screams from the house. So they run outside. Only to see that the house is on fire.

Enji:"You stay here. I'll go save them."

As Hawks stabs ready to attack. Izuku reaches out of one of the holes.

Izu:"I know where he is. Help me s.....stand, and I'll take you to him."

Haw:"Like he'll I am. You're staying there until he gets back."

Izu:"Think about it. If I'm here. Then who started the fire?"

Hawks grits his teeth and frees izuku.

Elsewhere,Enji sees smoke coming from inside. That's when he sees small flames that melted the padlocks on all of the doors.

Enji:"What's going on?"

Behind him rises a figure.

Dabi:"There you are. Now, time to return the favor."

As the scarecrows fabric turns to flesh. It stumbles over to burn enji.

Enji:"What the fuck are you?"

In a hiss. Dabi response.


As a fire ball is blasted at him. Izuku leads Hawks to the scarecrow perch.

Haw:"Why are we here?"

Izu:"Look under the burnt soil."

Hawks sets izuku down and nearly has to dig. That's when he finds a plastic bag. The same type izuku was put in.

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