"there we go," sirius said once everything had been cleaned, "is there anywhere else you're hurt? i nicked some biscuits from the mess hall, and i have water too if you'd like." 

remus nodded and cleared his throat, hoarse from the night before. he shifted, and moved a cluster of fabric away from his thigh. 

"i think i tried to break another window." remus said quietly. well, half-points for james. moony would definitely need stitches, just not on the cut james thought. sirius winced.

"that looks bad."

"hurts like a mother." 

sirius pulled some larger gauze pads out of the bag and handed them to remus.

"hold those there, we'll get you up." sirius said, standing.

remus shook his head no.

"i can't. not yet. please...?" remus said, eyes frightened at the prospect of leaving. he wasn't ready. he wasn't ready to see everyone else yet. sirius swallowed and nodded. 

"okay. that's fine. i can stay with you. if you'd like. until you're ready to leave. and then we can help you get to the hospital wing." 


sirius had maneuvered the blanket around remus who was still sat against the wall, with his injured leg stretched out, and his good one crossed underneath it. his head was tilted back against the wood, and his eyes were closed, waiting desperately for the pain to subside enough for him to stand. he missed his bed.

sirius had been quiet for a while, now sitting adjacent to remus on the floor, staring out the window, watching the tree branches move in the wind. 

"it really is quite a nice out." sirius remarked in a feeble attempt to get lupin up and out of the shack. his companion simply shook his head against the wall, eyes remaining closed. sirius glanced down at the floor, and sighed. it went quiet again. 

"pads." remus mumbled after a while, lifting his head.

"yes, dear." sirius replied, leaning forward. 

"do you have any aspirin?"

"im so sorry love, i'm don't think so..." sirius trailed off,  searching his pockets. he snorted when the only thing he pulled out was a king sized joint. remus couldn't help but chuckle too. 

"where'd you get that?" remus inquired.

"ehh, some bloke in hogsmeade. why? are you going to tell on me?" sirius asked, feigning fear.

"nah. not unless you share."

"oh, well i'll always share my joint with you, moony," sirius said, jokingly flirtatiously. he sat on his haunches and put the blunt in between his lips. "light me?" 

"god, really? i mean you're already flaming," remus teased, taking sirius' wand.

"fine, i'll do it myself."

"hang on, let me-" remus reached forward and turned sirius' face towards him with two fingers, "you're so impatient sometimes. incendio." 

a small jet of fire set the joint alight and sirius pulled a confident hit. the air became clouded with smoke, and sirius waved it away. 

"there's a chap. that wasn't so hard, was it?" 


it took exactly ten minutes for the two young men to finish the blunt in its entirety. by the time every last crumb of weed had been reduced to ashes, both sirius and remus were positively and most definitely burnt. 

"are you still in pain, my friend?" sirius asked, having joined remus' on his side of the wall, leaning on his better shoulder, now gazing out the far window, still watching the trees rock in the breeze.  

"yeah, but only because of your face." remus mumbled. sirius snickered and hid his face in the blanket still draped over remus.

"that doesn't even make any sense." sirius giggled. it caused lupin to erupt into a fit of laughter as well. they held onto each other and for a moment, remus' pain genuinely lifted. the world was quiet here, and it looked like a beautiful static-y painting. 

"the birds sound nice." remus mused. 

"you sound nice." sirius said, still hiding in the crook of lupin's neck. downstairs, the door creaked open, but the two boys were too stoned to move. 

james and peter began to make their way up the stairs.

"are you guys dead?" peter called up, causing remus and sirius to start giggling again like middle school girls. 

"gonna take that as a no." james said. 

"did you guys bring food?" sirius asked, finally lifting his head up.

"no, we were worried moony had eaten you, or something."

"good god, eaten?" remus laughed, "please, i'm not that aggressive."

"and what's all this then?" james said, gesturing to the two of them together in the corner. "is that weed? did you guys smoke?"

"without us?" peter added, looking rather dismayed.

"rem- moons- he was in pain. and i didn't have any aspirin." sirius protested, rubbing his face. 

"so you smoked a joint." james asked, trying to get clarification.

"bingo, my love." sirius said, snapping his fingers and pointing a finger gun at james. 

"sirius, im hungry." remus said, holding on to sirius' arm. 

"yes dear, let's go. we've been in this dreadful house long enough. you must be cold. let's get you checked out first." 

"fine, but it's not what i wanted."

"i know, love, and once you're better, we can get you whatever you'd like. come on, up you get." sirius said, helping remus up on the left side. james hurried over to steady his right, and they guided moony down the stairs, injured leg and all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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