1917 video game

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1917 would be a good telltale style/life is strange style video game okay ive got this all fucking planned out. so you play as blake and schofield (an idea proposed by my friend) for the first half of the game and the game starts with a cut scene of you waking up in the field. the "tutorial" level is finding the ham and bread scho gives blake like 5 minutes into the film. you have time to get familiar with the controls and the pacing of the game and you can like find like little bonus items if you talk to the right people and yeah the field would be the first thing.

then once you're ready you meet back up with blake/scho/whoever you were playing as and there's another cut scene where you're walking through the trenches, maybe there's a little bit there where Blake loses something and you have to find it and you can like poke around the trenches or something and get more bonus points. you have to get to the cotton cover where Erinmore is to get to the next cutscene. we get the exposition and then you have to get the stuff the ordelies give you but you can like talk to erinmore and stuff and like this works in my head I swear. So now you can switch between blake and schofield. schofield is less likely to trip, he's a little bit more resilient than blake, but blake has the map and its like a minecraft map with the little arrows and like a circle around where you're supposed to go and so while you might need to be more coordinated, you don't know where you're going as schofield, but you do with blake.

cutscene where you're making your way to leslie, more opportunities to explore, talk to people, there could be like a thing where you find a flare yourself, and if you do, Kilgour gets to sleep and is left alone but if you don't, leslie wakes him up and is mean to him, yadayadayada

you get into no man's land and it's kind of like a maze level where you have to take the right path or else you fall and slip into a trench and die. when the plane's pass over, and you don't hide quick enough, you go back to your checkpoint or whatever. again, maybe there's little extra paths that lead you to easter eggs or something.

you get to the german trenches, you can look around, and then the tripwire gets triggered and you have to play as blake now. i think it would be cool if there was like a time and you have to do a certain amount of things in that time to get schofield out, or he dies. you also have to drag schofield out of the trenches and i feel like you could switch between the two, but schofield would be walking blind essentially and you're way better off walking as blake but if you get out of the trench as schofield you get like a medal or something or an achievement.

i think the bastard rats would be a good cutscene and the story with wilko to give the player a break but also let us connect more with the characters. the cherry trees, you can walk around and look at them while blake explains him and joe etc. when you go to check the farmhouse it's like another exploring bit and you can look around the house and you have to clear the house of soldiers before you can go outside and meet back up with blake/ you can't meet up with scho unless you've cleared the outside, and then we get the barn scene which is another like timed level, where you have to get the soldier out of the plane, and get water in a certain amount of time and if you don't, the soldier dies, but either way its for nothing because when you finish getting the water it cuts to the blake death scene. the whole death scene would be like a conversation scene, where you have options on how to kind of ease blake to death, and the options would be like, you can be really cold to him, you can be gentle, you can be sad, or you can say nothing or whatever, but they all eventually lead to the big two option answer after blake says "am I dying?" you can either say, yes or no. yes makes it easier for him to pass and no makes it harder and the scene drags on a bit and you're a dick if you choose this one.

so i thhink its a good place to mention the pause menu here. the pause menu at the very beginning of the game, is a still shot of the barn and part of the house with like a cow eating grass in the background or something. after blake dies, and at any point after blake dies, when you hit the pause menu, blake's now in the shot lying dead on the ground. and i think it'd also be cool that after blake dies, if you switch to his point of view, because you can switch between the characters, that you just switch back to the barn, essentially also the pause menu now.

so blake dies and we get more conversation, if you're a dick they're dicks back to you and they kick you out of the convoy truck early and you have to walk but if you're nice you can stay on the truck and they offer you alcohol :,)

you get off at the bridge and it's another timed level, you have to shoot at the lockhouse and get inside before the lockhouse soldier shoots you. when schofield wakes up and goes outside it's a cut scene and then we get the bit that prompted me to write this in the first place, another maze scene. you know that level in life is strange like wayyy at the end where you have to make your way through the lockers and the junkyard without getting caught in the pools of light from everyone that's hunting you down? that's the ecoust level. you have to stay in the shadows and not walk in the line of sight of the germans. there's checkpoints, but you have to make it through the whole city like that. there's a cutscene when you walk to the church and the soldier shoots at you and you play again the second schofield like,,,stands up after hearing the germans go by. you go inside lauri's nook and you have like the option to be rude to her, or to be kind to her and if you're a dick to her you keep the food and if you're nice you give it to her which has an effect on the river scene. if you give her the food, you go a bit faster and are able to dodge some injuries, but if you dont, you have that weight on you and you're slowed down and get kind of fucked up.

you have to climb over the bodies, and walk through the wood to the second devons and there's a cut scene when they're like "we're the devons" and then the final battle level is a timed level where you have to go down the line fast enough and say the right thing to the people who try to stop you to get through. if you're hit by a bomb you die and have to go back to your checkpoint and if you run out of time you go back to your checkpoint.

i honestly dont have anything for the big giant scene at the end, i feel it would work better as a cutscene but im open to suggestions. you start playing again and you have to fight off the soldiers at the front of cnl mckenzie and then you have to say the correct thing to him so that he takes the letter.

a (longer) cutscene where schofield talks to mckenzie and the other guy whos name i cant eremember because its 2 in the morning. it follows through uuntil you walk out of the trenches and to the medical tents where you have to find joeseph blake, cut scene where you talk, and then you have to walk to the tree and sit down.

the game ends.

im in NO way a software/video game developper or creator so i have no clue how realistic this is for a game, im just a sucker for really long games with a lot of like,,,story to them yknow? suggestions are absolutely open, this was just really roughly written, but like i kind of love the idea of this movie as a role-play story game :,)

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