dark academia 1

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 The Clique studying English in a small college and we'd all be really pretentious. will would be the really smart one who gets murdered. as to whether hes a good guy or a bad guy is up for debate. but he gets murdered. people would think mars did it because he'd be the quiet brooding one and like stereotypes yknow, but it actuality it was pippa, the outgoing one with jealousy as a motive covered up by a superficial "the lover" personality. then, tilly would be the slightly-too-nosy character who accidentally (or on purpose, up for debate) finds out pippa murdered will and then gets murdered herself midway through the end of the third act by pippa to cover their tracks and to inhibit any potential risk of getting caught. and it works. they get away with it. charlie would be the one who doesn't find out until years and years later when pippa tells charlie and they have a moral crisisis. klaus would be the emotionally distant borderline shitty friend who serves as the peripheral first person narrator and documents all this drama. klaus and mars get together and talk about what happened at the end of the novel which is when all his secrets come out and its all wrapped up together in a weird fucked up metaphysical metaphorical bow : )

basic character notes

william carlisle - 20 / old money / philosophy major / art history minor/ addicted to shrooms

phoebe (pippa) simon - 19 / english major / ancient languages minor

mars alvin - 19 / art history major / old lit. minor

charlotte cairns - 20 / history major / art history minor/ adderall

matilda (tilly) jennings - 19 / ancient languages major / philosophy minor/ ADDREALLL

klaus drewitt - 19 / music major / art history minor

all studying in the same small art history class that nobody else wanted to take / all study together 

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