breaking bad oc

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name: joel henderson

aliases: jo-jo, j

birthday: may 4th, 1980

age: (better call saul: 22-24), (breaking bad: 28-29)

gender: male

sexuality: omnisexual (?) if someone is hot then theyre hot bro idk

personality: quiet, not keen on violence but will fight if necessary, irresponsible, reckless, flimsy morals, cares deeply about loved ones, can be intense

family situation: grew up with his mom, dad, and older sister until his parents divorced when he was twelve and his dad remarried his step-mom. he didnt take the divorce super well, he didn't understand it, and he definitely didn't understand when his step-mom began doing weird shit with him mere months after moving in. - present day he's cut off all contact with his parents and step-mom, occasionally talks to his sister charlotte

history/place in the story: grew up normal until his parents divorced, shit hits the fan. he'd started smoking by 14 and smoking pot at 16 to cope with what was going on at home with his step-mom. his sister moved out at the age of 21 and joel would stay the night at her place a lot. at 18 he became addicted to harder drugs to the point where his sister told him he couldnt stay there anymore. she didnt want to get in trouble if drugs were ever found at her house. he moved back home and the weird shit with his step mom started again almost immediately. 

in a desperate attempt to get away from everything he started staying the night at his dealers house (nacho). they have an on and off thing for a while, just kind of fucking around when they're high. he helps nacho deal for a little while unbeknownst that he's literally working with the cartel.

he works with them until a deal goes wrong with tuco and he escapes by the skin of his teeth.  scared someone's gonna be after him he packs up and leaves in the middle of the night, irrationally scared and probably high out of his mind. the event leaves tuco arrested but eventually released as they are unable to reach joel to speak to him about the incident. at 20 he finds himself sort of stuck in arizona, essentially homeless and at rock bottom. he kind of trips around the southwest for a while, never staying anywhere for more than a couple weeks. eventually after like 2 years he bites the bullet and goes back to new mexico, after finding out through word of mouth that tuco's actually in jail for beating up some old man. joel shows up one night at nacho's house emaciated, wide-eyed and alarmed from looking over his shoulder the past two years.  perhaps a little unprofessionally,  nacho lets him in. after a while he tells joel he'll try to find him some work, but it wont be with the cartel in any way. he becomes an errand boy for gus fring after fring assures him safety from both the people who almost killed him and any collateral damage that comes from the cartel, however, any slight deviance in loyalty and everything falls apart. 

mike tells joel nacho dies and joel kind of just nods quietly and leaves. mike tells gus that one of his guys is a risk and gus sends victor down to follow him to make sure joel doesnt do anything irrational. he relapses to the point of hospitalization. by necessity, his family gets called in. mike goes over to keep an eye on joel in the hospital, and is one of the first to witness first-hand how fucked his parents can be. after he's released from the hospital, he gets an earful from gus for the shit he did and a goodnight threat present in the middle of the night at his home. it's a big spot for his arc as he learns to completely separate his personal and professional life. from here on out he's a lot more reserved, kind of thick-skinned. he stops doing drugs and has other coping mechanisms. whether they're healthy is dubious. he helps bury lalo and howard after their deaths and continues to work for gus like he works a completely regular 9-5 job. 

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