breaking bad oc headcanons

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normal- joel character canon

italicized- joel headcanon

bold- anything else

- mike begrudgingly asking if joel can make doll clothes for kaylee

- mike dying and Joel going to the funeral sitting in the very back pew and mikes daughter in law comes over and "hey who are you? how did you know mike?" and quietly and dismissively he goes "just a colleague" cut to him getting home, shutting the door, sliding down it crying or something angsty

- nachos the one that sorta let him couch surf in the beginning before he officially was able to get away from his mom

- no bc tyrus and Victor are in the van with nacho in the episode he dies with fring. which means by logic Joel would be there too. so. what if tyrus is waiting in the van with Joel and there's just a gunshot and he has to be held the fuck back with a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. it parallels nachos duct tape

- just the sound of the gunshot and tyrus grabbing Joel because he knows hes gonna scream before Joel knows hes gonna scream

- Joel getting flowers as a pitiful "sorry for your loss" from Gale who'd just heard from Gus they'd lost a good man and there's bluebells in it and Joel just sits in the window and watches them rot.

- or yeah shit what if he's in hiding after fring dies. mikes funeral draws him out. the same night he relapses, the next morning he's in sauls office in really really bad shape and something REALLY hurt/comfort angst happens and he winds up in the emergency room or something. that draws the attention of Walter and Jack welker

- los pollos hermanos is a business right, which means that (very similarly to sandpiper) they would have a legal representative. what if that's HHM. or at least, gus wants it to be. for a little while at least. then when gus hears about the flimsiness of some of its aspects he IMMEDIATELY draws back. Joel is sent to run errands telling them most of this stuff.

i was thinking about joel and lalo and i think..they're on opposite sides when they meet definitely, but i think lalo would know joel used to be on the cartel's side. either from nacho or just kind of recognize the traits of a recovering addict and be like "howd u get here". so idk what if they're both waiting for a shipment. joel to make sure the cartel doesnt do anything and lalo to make sure gus doesn't do anything but they just. start talking. while they wait.maybe lalo notices how jittery joel is and kind of offers him a cigarette to calm down.

- The thought of Gus wanting to use HHM but realizing all the drama and saying fuck that is so funny. Ik it would probably go down different but I imagine Howard being all "b-but Mr Fring, why? I can assure you our legal expertise-" and Gus just giving him that customer service dead eyed smile. "Thank you Mr Hamlin, but we will not be needing your services"

- "I was under the impression I would be conducting business with Mr. Fring?""You are (bitch). I'm his representative.""I didn't know he was in the practice of sending errand boys. What is this? The medival ages?" *howard cringe smile*

- joel dropping in because howard called (again) and he's (still) dealing with insomnia and his wife wont talk to him and he's not even surprised when he sees the errand boy instead of fring himself. and the guy carries himself with the same sort of carelessness that someone who disagrees with their surroundings does, but theres a moment, for a split second before joel leaves that he genuinely looks at howard and goes "get some rest"

- howard and gus are scheduled to meet in the nice conference room but instead he gets some degenerate who kicks his boots up on the nicely varnished table and steals the entire plate of danishes, platter and all

Misc.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora