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Name: Maurice Anderson

Nickname/s: Mo

Age: 30

Date of Birth: August 24th
Species: Human
Height: 5ft 8'
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: Aro/Ace
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Farmer
Current location/from: From New York, currently in Vermont
Voice: Warm and baritone
Personality: Shy, a bit twitchy, Well-Intended, Occasionally Erratic
Likes: His dog, Swimming, Painting, Reading
Dislikes: The Dark, Gore, Horror Movies, Dolls

History: Mo was born to two upper class New yorkers as an only child, and his dad was a doctor who worked with Martin Whitly. As a result, Mo became friends with Malcolm and Ainsley. One day, Mo was dropped off by his mom for a sleepover play date thing with Malcolm with the intent of Martin bringing him home the next day before work. That night, Martin takes the half-asleep kid downstairs with the intent of making him the 24th victim. He tells his family Mo got sick during the night and was brought home, and he tells Mo's parents he was gone in the morning after he put the kid to bed. The kid is found a week later in the basement with a broken arm and several bruises, grossly malnutritioned (?) and incredibly traumatized. His parents moved up to Vermont a few months later, intent on getting as far away as possible from what had happened. Mo was homeschooled for a couple of years with his parents still afraid something else might happen to him. As a result of what happened, Mo developed a panic disorder. He finished high school and took a few years at a college close by to learn about agriculture and farming. Eventually, his parents moved out of state to Massachusetts's and Mo stayed in Vermont on his own. He's medicated and goes to therapy regualarly, has a dog to keep him company and lives in a farmhouse he bought with some of the money his parents had put away for him. A lot of what he has is self-sustainable and he owns some land where he grows crops and keeps some cows and chickens. 

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