Chapter 9: Mutants!

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The few resolute ones on the front yard of their little inconspicuous fortress stand in unity, getting ready to take off once again to the unknown bounds.

The small group was gather by Kiyo to once again resume their hunting activities.

Before embarking on their hunt, Kiyo made a thoughtful decision to offer Vin and Wake a vial containing both immunity liquid and evolution liquid each.

Without hesitation, the two friends exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the significance of the moment as they eagerly consumed the mysterious fluids. Not a single question was raised, both understanding the gravity of their actions and entrusting Kiyo's guidance wholeheartedly.

The two felt a great surge of energy inside their body, their veins bulged out as if they are about to explode with power.

“Haaa! I feel like I’m on the verge of breaking through.” Vin exclaimed as he felt his strength coming closer to that of a stage 3 being.

Wake, meanwhile, with his solid foundation from the military, leaped from being an awakened directly to a Stage 2 awakener.

Kiyo had not thought twice before upgrading his team's arsenal to obtain a very strong weapon in the system mall. He purchased a striking long spear for 100 Vilume, putting out power and strength properly befitting a warrior like Wake. The spear was in a dazzling red, much like that of a vibrant ruby, and it was etched with the emblem of a bloodied moon. The haunting symbol seemed to symbolize the night of destructive events that took place during the apocalypse, adding an air of foreboding to the already lethal arsenal of Kiyo's team of four people.

He once again took out the spear from behind, as if it was there what whole time. Wake looked at the others with a confused look yet all he received was a look that says “Don’t question things you musn’t know.”

He gracefully received the spear and swung, stab and slashed it in the air, getting himself accustomed to this new lethal weapon of his.

What a formidable lineup, a swordsman that wields a deadly sharp blade, an assassin-like pair of daggers that triumph in a battle of speed, a knight-like figure that uses his immense strength to smash his enemies using his huge warhammer, and now a warrior wielding a long spear.

The team of four individuals was now confident in being the strongest group of people as they haven’t met other awakeners that could compete with them yet. They, lead by Kiyo, ventured out to once again resume their afternoon hunt.

In the afternoon regular search, Kiyo's group with his three companions encountered a small zombie horde, driven by three Tier 2 mutants. These are known to be the lowest and weakest among the four officially recognized types amongst the Tier 2. Kiyo, being of a prudent nature, considered the fight best not fought on the front line but, from a safe distance, watching prudently as the three threw themselves into their heroic and desperate effort against overwhelming odds, an effort which, however, was not lost upon the observant and calculating eyes of the his.

The three fierce fighter coordinated well, letting Vin smash the horde of zombie minions while Wake protects Yuno, who was using his speed advantage deal damage to the three mutants, in the distance.

After taking out all the zombie minions, Vin’s hammer what filled with what seemed to be guts and tiny organs of the zombies as he walked towards one of the mutants. Yuno, meanwhile, has already taken down one of the zombie horde commander and is now cooperating with Wake to battle the other one.

“Clap! Clap! Clap!” Kiyo walked towards the battlefield that is now only filled with the remnants of the feared mutants, “Well done! Everyone is improving.” He praised.

The three began collecting the Z-crystals as a spoil of war from the enemies they’ve vanquished, each taking a Tier 2 Z-crystal. It was bigger than the normal crystal, the size of a fist, its shade of green darker than normal.

Before the group could absorb the crystals they’ve collected, a group of men with mohawks ran towards their, behind them was a huge horde of zombie. Kiyo estimated that there were around 60-70 zombies chasing them.

Kiyo and his three friends' reaction times were so good, they immediately went into battle stances to eliminate what was, without question, an unexpected threat. However, instead of stopping, the men simply ran right past them, leaving a trail as they went. It was around that time they realized the men had intentionally left them in place as bait to lure any nearby zombies and set up a trap or ambush.

Their twisted and sinister smiles of betrayal as the group ran past only added to that feeling, and indeed, unwittingly the four of them went to work doing exactly what the men had previously thought. They were always the pawns, used as bait, but each and every one of them was a guardian of swift justice. As the zombies advanced, every step closer to achieving their goal, they unleashed hell upon them, and the resulting chaos.

Not long after, the zombies were wiped out by the small group of four Kiyo was leading. The leader of the Mohawks were the first to react, he attempted to run. Unfortunately, Yuno swiftly closed the distance and appeared before him, his daggers quickly stabbed through the man’s chest before approaching another of the mohawks.

The expressions of the three were grim, it was their first time killing a living human being; whilst the calm and composed Kiyo showed no reaction, it was as if everything was usual for him.

However, the three soon cheered with joy, collecting each piece of Z-crystals in the body of the zombies before deducing that it was now time to retreat to their base.

Back at the domain.

Kiyo stood tall before the group, his eyes flashing with determination as he gave clear instructions for everyone to absorb the crystals.

Lost in deep contemplation, he was already strategizing for their next moves.

He knew from past experiences that acting recklessly without a plan could lead to disastrous outcomes, just like the recent encounter with a group of foolish individuals who had attempted to take their lives. It was crucial for the group to proceed cautiously and thoughtfully in order to ensure their safety and success in the dangerous world they inhabited.

In the end… He, realizing the need to strengthen his reign, he made the strategic choice to embark on a quest to seek out additional subordinates and enhance his sphere of influence, aiming to grow his power and establish a formidable presence in the post-apocalyptic world.

‘it seems like the system intends to make use of me to salvage as much human as I can with the Domain, then I’ll do what I was meant to do..’ He thought to himself.

End of chapter 9.


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Apocalypse: My Domain SystemOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz