I could only look and breath, I had to remind myself to breath, more importantly remind myself to exhale because everytime I inhaled his scent, I wanted to bottle it up inside me.

He looked at me and his face relaxed before his jaw tightened, his eyes turned a deeper shade of brown and just when I thought he'd make true his words he did something else. He asked.

“ Can I touch you? ”

And that single question brought together so many things in me that I couldn't grasp a single one of them. I didn't answer him, I just told him the reality.

“ You're leaving tomorrow. ”
“ That doesn't answer the question I asked today. ”

His hand paused near my chin and he clenched it as he pushed it away.
It dawned on me then, I hadn't answered him, he didn't have my consent. And he was respecting that.

This time before I could think something, because I knew I wouldn't do it if I thought, my hand moved and somehow I knew he felt it before I even touched him.

With my hand on his cheek, he had all the permission he needed to have. If his eyes were deep brown before, they turned almost black now.

I gasped as his hand grasped me by my nape and he pulled me closer. My scarf fell to the ground with action but I made no move to pick it up.

My head inched up, his bent down, our noses touching, our lips just a breath away but we both didn't move.

" I'll be back. " He whispered those words near my lips, answering the question I hadn't exactly asked, but I felt them all over my body. He wasn't telling me, he was promising me, and I knew he'd fulfil it.

" I just want you to wait. " He asked and I remained silent as he pleaded, " I want to leave knowing you will wait. "

" For me, I want to return knowing you'll be waiting for us rather than wishing you were. ”

I didn't know there was an us, I never even thought of that possibility until I left home this morning realised it might be the last I see of him and I hated the thought with everything of my being.

But now, now I want there to be an us. A future which I never even considered, I want it to be true. I want this us, whatever we are, however we are, I want it all.

I was breathless and he hadn't even touched me anywhere other than my neck. His hand didn't stray from his place but I found mine doing the opposite.

He waited with bated breath for my answer but I don't trust my voice to not betray me, it'll give away all the turmoil I'm feeling inside. I don't want that for now, the chaos could return after I'm done having this moment. Just one moment.

My hand slid down his face until it reached his chest, I felt the thumping of his heart against my palm and I knew then and there that I'd do anything to feel this again. Waiting was just a small price to ask.

I looked him in the eye once before I closed them, simultaneously closing the distance between us. He froze and my heart pummeled to the ground when he didn't move.

I couldn't stop the disappointment filling me, not even the tears I could already feel forming. All the nerves I had gathered were knotting on themselves and strangling me.

I had just moved back an inch when his hand pulled me back, his other arm snaked around my waist as he held me closer.

My eyes remained closed but I knew he was watching me, he kept staring until I took his lip between mine, experimenting once again, only because I couldn't take it anymore.

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