Chapter 2

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"Ma" i called my mom who's walking before me. I don't know why, but my heart's feel heavy by this sight. "Ma" i tried calling her again. She finally look back at me. She has a faint smile, but still really beautiful, and then turn back at me again. She continue walking and i kept calling and shouting her name.

"Maaaa, plssss....Don't leave me" 'plss, i can't lose my mother' i can't breath, like the oxygen's has go along with my mother, disappering. 'Someone, plss' i cried for help.

"Gem.. Gemm...Gem, love, plss wake up" i heared 'Fourth??' As soon as i opened my eyes, i hugged him.

"Fot.... Fot" i cried in his arms. "Ma.. Ma has finally left me" i recalled yesterday's incident. I know my Ma has left me alone now.

"Shh love, i'm here, i'll go through this with you" Fourth said and my never ending tears has burst again. I feel bad. Those are the words that i've been longing to here, although it really eases my sadness, i still can't be happy because my Ma is no longer with me.

I don't know how long we've been hugging but i finally stopped crying and i can feel Fourth's shirt drenched with my tears. Our eyes met. His eyes are as sad as mine, full of sympathy and empathy. And then he hugged me again. After seconds, he let go and his left hand wiped my tears.

"I'll help you wash up" he gave me a faint forced smile and helped me got up and went to the bathroom. I can feel his outmost care for me while helping me. It's like i'm a fragile glass that could break anytime with just a little harsh touch. I don't how but my mind is occupied by my mother death and Fourths action that i didn't realized that he's done bathing me and already dressed me up and dried my hair.

"Gem" Fourth's called me in his softest voice i could remember. I looked up at him and met his eyes. I feel like i'm crying again but my eyes are now dry and no tears is coming out. He led me down stairs to the kitchen and i sat down at the counter top stool. I watched him started to beat something and start cooking. I just watched him move effortlessly and handsomely.

"Eat first then we'll go to your dad" He placed the dishes in front of me and start putting some at my plate.

"Where's Pa?...a-and M-ma?"

"Your dad is at the funeral site" "Eat this, and we'll go there"

"No. I won't eat. Take me to them, i wan't to see them."

"No. We won't go there unless you eat something" 'Who does he think to order me?'

"Who are you?" He's been taken a back a little because of my question. Confusion and pain is now all over his face.

"I-i'm Fourth. I don't know if you remember but, i was brought here by your parents from the orphanage and stayed with you before."
Tsk. I didn't ask for his story. 'Dumbass'

"No. Who the heck do you think to stop me from seeing my family after all those years that you left us." His face became hurt and then turn to emotionless in a second.

"I'm here because your fathered ordered me to assist you. So it's either you eat or you won't see them." 'The heck??!!'

"Hahaha. Did he also ordered you to be my nanny or chaufer or something?" I bitterly laughed. After all those years, i thought he came back because of me. But it's still because he was ORDERED by my father. 'Haha, what a freaking jerk'

"If you would like me to be one, i will. So please eat" 'This guy's really something' What do i even expect from someone who just ghosted me, came back not even explaining, instead said that he was ordered that's why he's here. I just ate not even knowing what's have been served.

"Let's go" i called him as soon as i finished eating hand lead the way to the garage. I slipped into the passenger seat. He then followed and sat at the drivers seat. The whole ride is silent until we reached the funeral site. The place is full of flowers and people in white. I don't know most of them. They're probably Ma and Pa's colleagues and partners in their businesses.

Fourth and I, walked in. I can feel all eyes are on me. Neverthless, i couldn't care more; All i see is the picture and the Jar of my Ma, containing her ash. Every step i take, i feel my knees getting weaker and my heart getting heavier each second. I saw my Pa sitting infront with my Aunt. I stopped and bow to them while placing both hands together. I could process nothing but the fact that my Ma is in that little jar—lifeless. I felt a hand in my waist. 'It's Fourth'. Funny how can i recognized his hand just by the feel, although i haven't seen him in years.

I'm still mad at him, but right now, his touch are all i need. I looked at him, looking at my picture of my Ma. I think he sensed it at turn around at me. Again, he showed me his faint forced smile.

"Would you like to go to the garden? I figure we could breath some air" he asked me. I just nodded and let him lead me to the backyard. He let me sat at a swing, still followed by him.

"Someone said that people who's dead didn't really died; they just continue their life in another world. And then they'll have superpowers that let them guide their love ones that they have left." He said looking at the sky. I looked up to in where he's staring at. 'Is he joking? At this time?'

"Where even said that? And who crazy person will even believe in that kind of thing"

"Your mom." "She said that to me when we found out that my biological parents died at an incident, 5 years after i'm brought and investigating where are thay." Well, it really sounds like something what would my Ma will say. I admired her for that too. It's like, she has answer for every phenomenon. 'I miss you Ma'. I looked at Fourth, and now he's staring at me. I observed his eyes. I didn't know anything about that. 'Wait, 5 years after he's brought in our house??'

"You kept seeing my parents even after you left home?" I asked him. Because i remembered clearly that he left after 5 years staying with us. He looked at me now.

"Let's head back in now" he then got up and walked inside, leaving me behind. 'Am i really the only one he didn't contact? Does Pa and Ma seeing him after he left? Does he hate me that much? What did i even do?' I felt tears streaming down my face. I couldn't hold it in any longer. Not after what i just found out.

Personal Note:
Hi lovelies, i've seen few viewers of my story. I'm sorry for constant changes and updates, i'm still not used in using wattpad app, and most of the time the app came crashing and the updates didn't really publish the revised story. Also, sorry for the grammar, i'm still learning. I'll get better. Thank youu so muchh. The chapter 1 and 2 are already revised, go read it againnnn!!

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